Options for Rendering the Avid Pan & Zoom Effect
The rendering option you choose for the Avid Pan & Zoom effect determines the quality of the rendered result.
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The image quality of the effect in the final output is dependent in part on
the resolution at which you output the sequence. Some sharpness might be
lost due to compression during the final output.
Use the Filtering parameter category to select the rendering method. The various filtering options allow you to trade off the clarity or sharpness of the resized image and the speed at which the effect renders.
You might not always want the sharpest possible result. Images with many sharp edges might look better with a softer rendering. Many users find that B-Spline Catmull is the best compromise between image quality and rendering time. Experiment with Filtering options to decide which one produces the effect you want.
The following list ranks the Filtering options from fastest render and lowest quality image to slowest render and highest quality image:
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Real Time renders most quickly but results in a draft-quality image.
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The application uses Real Time filtering during uncompressed play.
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Triangle results in fairly soft images.
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Quadratic has slightly sharper images than Triangle filtering.
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Cubic results in sharper images than Quadratic filtering although they
are still fairly soft.
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B-Spline Catmull. When you use this option and shrink an image
(zoom out) by a large amount, the result is similar to that produced by
Cubic filtering. B-Spline Catmull produces a sharper image than Cubic
filtering when you:
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Stay close to the original size of the image (very little zooming in
or zooming out).
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Enlarge the image (zoom in) past the source image resolution.
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Gaussian results in an image that is relatively soft but sharper than
B-Spline Catmull.
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Avid Hi Qual creates sharp images when you shrink the original
(zoom out).
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Avid Ultra Qual creates extremely sharp images when you shrink the
original (zoom out).