Deleting Effect Media Files from a Bin
You can delete effect media files (for titles, matte key clips, and rendered effects) and motion effect media from a bin using the Delete dialog box.
To delete effect media files and motion effect media:
1.  (Option) If you want to delete effect media for rendered effect clips (precompute clips), display those clips in the bin by doing the following:
a.  Select Bin > Set Bin Display.
b.  Select Rendered Effects and "Show reference clips," and then click OK.
2.  In the bin, select the clip or clips whose media you want to delete.
In this example, two items are selected: a title and a motion effect.

3.  Press the Delete key.
The Delete dialog box opens.
4.  Select the appropriate check boxes for the material you want to delete, and then click OK.
See Also For example, to delete only effect media files, select "delete n associated media file(s)" beneath each of the appropriate effect clip types and deselect all other check boxes. Make sure that you select only those file types you want to delete.
Revealing Effect Media Files

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