Extrapolate and Hold
In a keyframe graph, the first keyframe and the last keyframe are the bracketing keyframes for the parameter. The Avid editing application determines parameter values beyond the bracketing keyframes using either Extrapolate or Hold.
With Extrapolate enabled, the Avid editing application extrapolates — that is, estimates more values for — the parameter values at the start and end of an effect using the values at the bracketing keyframes. Parameter values continue to change over time. The application calculates new values using the interpolation option in effect for that parameter.
With Hold enabled, the application uses only the parameter values at the bracketing keyframes to set values at the start and end of the effect. The parameter values hold steady — that is, are the same — from the start of the effect to the first keyframe, and again from the last keyframe to the end of the effect.
  You set Extrapolate and Hold independently for each parameter in an effect. The default condition is Hold.
To set Extrapolate or Hold for a parameter:
  Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+Shift+click (Macintosh) the keyframe track, and select Extrapolate or Hold.
The display changes to reflect the new setting.
See Also
Elastic Keyframes and Fixed Keyframes
Parameter Changes at Keyframes
Align Keyframes and Slip Keyframes
Options for Using Advanced Keyframes

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