Adjusting Parameter Values with the Bézier Interpolation Option
You can adjust Bézier curves in the following ways:
  Symmetrically — Dragging a direction handle changes the length and rotation of both direction handles symmetrically.
  Asymmetrically — Dragging a direction handle changes the length of the selected handle, but not the opposite handle. The rotation of both handles changes as you drag the selected handle.
  Independently — Dragging a direction handle changes both the length and rotation of the selected handle. The opposite handle does not change. You do this by "breaking" the handle.
The default adjustment method is symmetrical. You change the adjustment method using the Alt key (Windows) or Option key (Macintosh). See Changing the Adjustment Method for the Bézier Interpolation Option.
To use the Bézier interpolation option for adjusting a parameter value:
1.  Select the Bézier interpolation option.
For more information, see Parameter Changes at Keyframes.
2.  Click a keyframe indicator to activate it.
The keyframe indicator changes to pink, and a direction bar with direction handles appears.
3.  Position the pointer over one of the direction handles.
The pointer changes to a hand pointer.
4.  (Option) Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Macintosh) the direction handle to select an adjustment method. Each time you do, the adjustment method cycles to the next adjustment method: symmetrical, asymmetrical, or independent.
For more information, see Changing the Adjustment Method for the Bézier Interpolation Option.
5.  Drag the mouse to move the direction handle.
The direction bar and the curve change to show the new interpolation motion.
6.  Continue adjusting the direction handles to achieve the effect you want.
  When you make an adjustment to a direction handle, the Avid editing application remembers which adjustment method you used. If you do not want to change the adjustment method, do not Alt+click (Windows) or Option+click (Macintosh) the direction handle before making another adjustment to the same handle. Instead, just click the direction handle, and drag it to its new location.

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