Displaying the Effect Palette
The left side of the Effect Palette displays a scrollable list of effect categories that includes the following standard categories as well as categories for any third-party plug-ins you have installed.
The effect categories list also includes open bins when those bins contain effect templates or other kinds of effect files.
The right side of the Effect Palette shows a list of the individual effects that are available for the currently selected effect category. Each effect has its own effect icon Effects that are or might be playable in real time appear with a color-coded dot. For more information, see Understanding the Color Coding and Enabling Real-Time Effects on Software-only Models.
You can display the Effect Palette within the Project window or as a standalone window.
Effect Icon
To display the Effect Palette within the Project window:
1.  In the Project window, click the Effects tab, which displays the Effect icon.
2.  In the left side of the Effect Palette, click an effect category to select it and display effects in that category in the right side.
To display the Effect Palette as a standalone window:
1.  Do one of the following:
  Select Tools > Effect Palette.
  Press Ctrl+8 (Windows) or Command+8 (Macintosh).
2.  Click an effect category in the left side of the Effect Palette to select it and display effects in that category in the right side.
See Also
Resizing the Effect Palette
Displaying Effect Templates
Understanding the Color Coding

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to