Exporting as a QuickTime Movie
To export as a QuickTime movie:
1.  Select the material you want to export in one of the following ways:
  To export specific tracks in a clip or sequence, enable those tracks in the Track Selector panel, and disable all others. Make sure Use Enabled Tracks is selected in the QuickTime Export Settings dialog box. You can select this option before the export.
  To export part of a clip or sequence, mark IN and OUT points to export the marked range from a bin or a monitor. If you mark an IN point and no OUT point, the system exports from the IN point to the end of the clip or sequence. Make sure Use Marks is selected in the QuickTime Export Settings dialog box.
  To export the entire clip or sequence, deselect Use Enabled Tracks and Use Marks in the QuickTime Export Settings dialog box, and make sure the topmost track is monitored.
2.  Select File > Export.
The Export As dialog box opens.
3.  Select the Export settings by doing one of the following:
  Click the Export Setting pop-up menu, select a setting if you created a QuickTime template in advance, and then click Save.
The file is exported and appears at the chosen destination.
  If you want to review or edit a setting, go to step 4.
4.  Click the Options button.
The Export Settings dialog box opens.
5.  Click the Export As pop-up menu, and select QuickTime Movie.
  If you installed additional QuickTime Export formats, they appear in the pop-up menu with tildes (~) before their names. This indicates that they have not been qualified with the Avid application and are not supported by Avid.
6.  Select one of the following:
  Same as Source: Allows you to use the resolution of the source file.
  Custom: Allows you to customize your settings.
7.  (Option) Click Format Options, and select settings from the Movie Settings dialog box.See Export Settings: QuickTime Movie and Export Settings: QuickTime Compression.
8.  Select the remaining options. See Export Settings: Quick Time Movie Export.
9.  Click Save, and then click Save again.
The file is exported and appears at the chosen destination.
  If a power failure or application error occurs during the export process, the entire file is unusable. You need to repeat the export process. The only exception is a sequential file sequence, where all frames up to the point of failure are usable.

quick time

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to