Installing an Avid Codec on Other Systems
When you install the Avid editing application on your system, the Avid Codecs for QuickTime are automatically installed. If you want to export a QuickTime movie from a third-party application such as Adobe After Effects for use on an Avid system, you should have the appropriate codec installed on the system running the third-party application.
Use the following techniques to copy the codecs to other systems:
  Copy the Avid Codecs for QuickTime to other Windows or Macintosh workstations where you are using QuickTime compatible applications. Once the Avid Codecs for QuickTime are installed on the workstation, you can export files from the QuickTime compatible application for reimport into the Avid editing system. See Copying an Avid Codec for QuickTime to Another Windows System (Windows Only) or Copying a Codec to a Macintosh System (Macintosh Only)
See the following topics:
  Copying an Avid Codec for QuickTime to Another Windows System (Windows Only)
  Copying a Codec to a Macintosh System (Macintosh Only)

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to