Exporting Frames, Clips, or Sequences
This section provides the steps for exporting frames, clips, and sequences. For information on exporting for digital distribution on the World Wide Web, CD-ROM, or DVD, see QuickTime Reference Movies and Creating Files for a DVD.
To export frames, clips, or sequences:
1.  Select the material you want to export in one of the following ways:
  To export specific tracks in a clip or sequence, enable those tracks in the Track Selector panel, and disable all others. Make sure Use Enabled Tracks is selected in the Export Settings dialog box. You can set this option before the export. See Customizing Export Settings.
  To export a single-frame graphic, mark an IN point to export the marked frame from a bin or a monitor, or move the position indicator to the frame you want to export. Make sure Use Marks is selected and Sequential Files is deselected in the Export Settings dialog box.
  To export part of a clip or sequence, mark IN and OUT points to export the marked range from a bin or a monitor. If you mark an IN point and no OUT point, the system exports from the IN point to the end of the clip or sequence. Make sure Use Marks is selected in the Export Settings dialog box.
  To export the entire clip or sequence, deselect the options Use Enabled Tracks and Use Marks in the Export Settings dialog box, and make sure the topmost track is monitored.
  When you export to an OMFI file, you do not need to select both the sequence and its source clips. Select only the sequence to export all the necessary information, including reference clips.
2.  Select a clip or sequence in one of two ways:
  Click the monitor that displays the clip or sequence you want to export.
  Click the clip or sequence in a bin. Ctrl+click (Windows) or Shift+click (Macintosh) to select multiple clips or sequences.
3.  Select File > Export, or right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+Shift+click (Macintosh) and select Export.
The Export As dialog box opens with a default file name in the File Name text box (Windows) or the Name text box (Macintosh), based on the file type.
4.  Select the destination folder for the file.
5.  (Option) Change the file name. In most cases, keep the default file name extension.
6.  Click the Export Setting pop-up menu, and select a setting.
This setting determines the format of the exported file. The default setting is labeled Untitled.
  Your Avid system supplies you with several templates for Export settings.
7.  (Option) If you want to view or modify the current Export setting or create a new setting, click the Options button to open the Export Settings dialog box, view the selections, and then click Save to return to the Export As dialog box.
8.  Click Save.
The file is exported and appears at the chosen destination.
  Your Avid system saves the intermediate movie that it makes for some formats in a temporary folder. Make sure the temporary folder is on a drive with plenty of space. You can view and change the location of the temporary file in the General Settings dialog box, which you access from the Settings scroll list in Settings tab of the Project window.
  For large exports, use QuickTime Reference. See QuickTime Reference Movies.
  If a power failure or application error occurs during the export process, the entire file is unusable. You need to repeat the export process. The only exception is a sequential file sequence, where all frames up to the point of failure are usable.
See Also
Using the Drag-and-Drop Method for Export

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to