Creating Group Clips
Grouped clips can be useful in several circumstances. You can group clips that were shot at different times, on different days, and on completely different source tapes. This means that you can:
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Use group clips to create montage sequences quickly with fast-cutting
between unrelated clips.
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Use group clips to sync and edit an audio track (music, for example)
with two or more video tracks, which is especially useful in music-
video editing.
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Use group clips for editing when you want to isolate each take as a
group and edit selectively, rather than build a larger sequence clip.
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Use carefully synchronized marks to group selected portions of
grouped clips.
The last two options are generally used in smaller group clip projects. Sorting, marking, selecting, and grouping individual takes of a larger project can be very time-consuming.
To create a group clip:
1. | |
If you are using a sync point, load the clips and mark an IN point at the
sync point at the start of each clip, or mark an OUT point at the sync
point at the end of each clip.
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For group clip video or film shoots, you typically use a slate for marking IN
and OUT points; however, you can use any visual or aural event that is
recorded by all cameras simultaneously.
2. | |
In the bin, select all the clips you want to group.
3. | |
Select Bin > Group Clips.
The Group Clips dialog box appears.
4. | |
Select an option, based on the following:
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Film TC/Sound TC, if you are syncing clips with matching film
and sound timecode recorded in the field. This option appears
dimmed if you are not working in a 24p or 25p project.
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Inpoints, if you are syncing according to IN points set in each clip.
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Outpoints, if you are syncing according to OUT points set in each
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Source Timecode, if the clips have matching timecode.
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Auxiliary TC1–TC5, if the clips have matching timecode in the
same Auxiliary Timecode column. Select an Auxiliary TC,
1 through 5, from the pop-up menu.
– |
INK Number, if the clips have matching ink numbers. This option
appears only with 24p and 25p projects.
– |
Auxiliary Ink, if the clips have matching ink numbers in the same
Auxiliary Ink column. This option appears only with 24p and 25p
A group clip appears in the bin, with the name of the first clip in the
group, followed by the file name extension Grp.n.
The n is the incremental number of group clips with the same name in
the same bin. You might want to rename them for easier reading, such
as name.Group.