Selective Camera Cutting
The Avid Group Clip editing feature allows you to do selective camera cutting.
Selective camera cutting involves marking and editing source material into the sequence, much as you build a sequence by using nongrouped clips in a normal session. You can play, cue, and mark clips on the source side, and then splice, overwrite, and trim clips in the sequence.
Perform selective camera cutting in one of the following ways:
Lay down an entire group as a master sequence, and then add edits,
switch camera angles, and trim within the sequence or cut in new clips.
Edit one clip at a time without laying down a master sequence first,
effectively building a sequence as you would with single-camera
The advantage of selective camera cutting with grouped clips is that all the clips are synchronized, which simplifies the selection of camera angles. Selective camera cutting generally requires the use of a detailed line script or detailed notes that enable you to select clips and assemble the sequence one clip at a time.
To perform selective camera cutting:
1. | |
Load the group clip into the Source monitor.
2. | |
Using timecode notes and the numeric keypad, type the timecode for
the first take to begin the sequence, and press Enter (Windows) or
Return (Macintosh) to cue the clip in the Source monitor to the take.
3. | |
Mark IN and OUT points for the entire scene.
4. | |
Select a camera angle for the first clip, and then splice the entire scene
into a sequence.
5. | |
Use the arrow keys, the Add Edit button, or both to select edit points
and switch to different angles throughout the master scene in the
6. | |
To replace a portion of the take with a part from another take, use the
timecode notes again to cue the take, set marks, and perform a replace
7. | |
When you are finished with a scene, repeat the procedure for each
additional scene in the sequence.