Autosyncing Clips
To create an autosynced subclip:
1.  Highlight the two clips in the bin.
2.  Select Bin > AutoSync.
The Sync Selection dialog box opens.
3.  Select an option, based on the following:
  Film TC/Sound TC, if you are syncing clips with matching film and sound timecode recorded in the field. This option appears dimmed if you are not working on a 24p or 25p project.
  Inpoints, if you are syncing according to IN points set in both clips.
  Outpoints, if you are syncing according to OUT points set in both clips.
  Source Timecode, if the two clips have matching timecode.
  Auxiliary TC1–TC5, if the two clips have matching timecode in the same Auxiliary Timecode column. Select an Auxiliary TC, 1 through 5, from the pop-up menu.
4.  Click OK.
The subclip is created and named by default after the video clip with the file name extension .sync.n, where n is the incremental number of subclips created with the same name.
You can change the name according to preference. You can load an autosynced subclip into the Source monitor and immediately edit it into a sequence.

auto sync syncing

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to