Fading Audio
Fast Menu button
Quick Transition button
To apply a fade or crossfade:
1.  Place the position indicator on a transition.
2.  Click the Fast Menu button under the Composer monitor.
The Tool palette appears.
3.  Click the Quick Transition button.
The Quick Transition dialog box opens.
4.  Click the Add pop-up menu, and select Dissolve.
  Do not select another effect from the Add pop-up menu; only dissolves work with audio tracks.
5.  Select a duration for the dissolve, measured in frames (30 frames equals 1 second of NTSC footage; 25 frames equals 1 second of PAL footage).
6.  Click the Position pop-up menu, and select the location for the dissolve.
  Ending at Cut fades the audio on the A-side to 0, ending at the cut point.
  Centered on Cut or Custom Start creates a crossfade. Custom Start allows you to begin the dissolve off-center — that is, closer to the transition and ending later into the B-side, or the reverse.
  Starting at Cut fades the audio up from the B-side, starting at the cut point.
7.  If you chose Custom Start, type the number of frames before the transition to begin the effect in the "Starts n frames before cut" text box. Otherwise, leave the default value in the text box.
8.  (Option) Click the Target Drive pop-up menu, and select a media drive other than the default.
9.  Click the Add button to place the effect at the transition point without rendering. Click the Add and Render button to do both at once.
  In most cases, you can click Add and Render for immediate real-time playback of the audio effect (rendering of audio dissolves is usually instantaneous).
The effect is completed.
For more information on using the Quick Transition button, see Using the Quick Transition Button.
  You can also use the Head Fade and Tail Fade buttons to add a dissolve to audio tracks. See Adding Dissolves with the Head Fade Button and the Tail Fade Button.

fade crossfade

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to