Applying an AudioSuite Plug-In to a Clip in the Timeline
| Track Selection Menu button | | Activate Current Plug-In button |
To apply an AudioSuite plug-in to a clip in the Timeline:
1. | |
Open the AudioSuite Tool window by doing one of the following:
| |
Select Tools > AudioSuite.
| |
If an audio tool is already open, click the Effect Mode Selector
pop-up menu, and select AudioSuite.
2. | |
Use the Track Selection Menu button to select the tracks that you want
to modify. When you select an item from this menu, the system selects
or deselects the corresponding track in the Timeline.
 | |
To select multiple tracks, press the Shift key while you select additional
tracks from the Track Selection Menu button. The tracks are designated by
plus signs (+), which indicate that the effect will be applied to more than
one track.
3. | |
Click the Plug-in Selection pop-up menu, and select a plug-in.
The Avid system automatically applies the plug-in effect to the track or
tracks in the Timeline.
4. | |
Click the Activate Current Plug-in button.
A dialog box associated with the plug-in appears.
5. | |
Make any necessary adjustments and click the Preview button to
preview the effect. For more information, see Using a Plug-In Dialog
6. | |
Do one of the following:
| |
To save the effect, click OK.
| |
To close the dialog box without saving the effect, click Cancel.
| |
(Option) To save the effect as a template, drag the effect icon to a
 | |
If you want to use plug-ins that operate on stereo pairs or that change the
length of the audio clip, use the methods described in Creating New Master