Adding an EQ Template to the Fast Menu (Windows)
Fast Menu button
To add an EQ template to Site_EQs_Bin:
1.  Open the bin containing your EQ templates.
2.  Select File > Open Bin.
A dialog box opens.
3.  Open the bin named Site_EQs_Bin.avb as follows:
a.  Navigate to drive:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Xpress Pro\
SupportingFiles\Site_Effects or drive:\Program Files\Avid\Avid Xpress DV\
b.  Click the Files of Type pop-up menu at the bottom of the dialog box, and select All Files. The Site_EQs_Bin.avb file appears.
c.  Double-click the Site_EQs_Bin.avb file.
4.  Drag one of your EQ templates to Site_EQs_Bin.
5.  If you have not already done so, name the template by clicking the text and typing a name.
6.  Close the bin.
  The Avid system does not save the effect to the bin until you close the bin.
7.  Click the Audio EQ Tool Fast Menu button, and look for your new template.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to