Low Shelf Example
In this example, assume that a bass drum in the sound track is very pronounced and the Audio EQ tool is used to deemphasize it. Also assume that there are voices on the same track as the music. The human voice covers a wide range of frequencies, and the challenge is to preserve the bass frequencies of the voices while deemphasizing the bass drum sound.
This example adjusts the low shelf to deemphasize the bass. By dropping the low shelf to –20ádB, we are able to deemphasize it. However, there are voices on this track, and dropping the low shelf also removes some bass from the voices.
To compensate for the loss of bass:
1. | |
Use the 2-octave midrange setting to create a wide midrange.
2. | |
Move the midpoint of the parametric curve to 88áHz, or to 90áHz
(Macintosh only).
3. | |
Boost the midrange of the parametric curve to +7.7ádB.