Understanding the Automation Gain Tool
Some portions of the Automation Gain tool are similar to the Audio Mix tool and the Audio Punch-In tool.
The following components are similar to those in the Audio Mix tool:
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Bypass Auto Gain button: This button allows you to temporarily turn
off the Automation Gain effect. This button is the same as the Bypass
Clip Gain button in the Output tab in the Audio Project Settings
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Number of Mix Panes and Which Set of Tracks to Display in Mix
Panes buttons: These buttons allow you to display four or eight panes
and to select which enabled tracks are displayed. They are similar to
the display options in the Audio Mix tool. For more information, see
Resizing the Audio Mix Tool.
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Render Effect Button: This button is particularly useful for rendering
audio effects. For example, if you change the level of a clip that
contains a rendered audio dissolve, the effect becomes unrendered.
You can use the Render Effect button to rerender the audio dissolve
directly from the Automation Gain tool. Then you can play back the
clip immediately to hear the effect of the level change with the dissolve
in place.
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Audio Loop Play button: This button allows you to adjust audio
effects while looping over a portion of audio. This button is also
available in the Play tab of the Command palette. For more
information, see Adjusting Volume While Playing an Audio Mix
The following record features are similar to the Audio Punch-In tool:
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Record button: Starts and stops the recording.
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Cancel button: Stops a recording without saving the recorded data.
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Record Status light: Is black when there is no activity, green during a
preroll, red during recording, and blue during a postroll.
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Preroll text box: Allows you to provide a visual cue before the
recording begins. The Avid system backs up the blue position indicator
for the prescribed number of seconds.
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Postroll text box: Allows you to provide the same kind of visual cue
at the end of the recording.
The remainder of the features described in this section are specific to the Automation Gain tool.
See the following topics: