Monitoring Audio
There are two types of monitor icons that appear in the monitor column for audio tracks: a black Speaker icon and gold Speaker icon. Your Avid system allows you to monitor up to eight audio tracks at a time, depending on your configuration.
Consider the following:
  The system pans odd-numbered tracks to the left speaker and
even-numbered tracks to the right speaker by default.
  If your sequence includes more than eight audio tracks, you can select any eight tracks to monitor at one time by clicking the Audio Track Monitor button for each audio track you want to monitor. The Audio Track Monitor button changes to purple with either a black or gold Speaker icon when the audio track is selected for monitoring playback and output.
  To hear more than eight tracks at once, you must mix down some of them to a maximum of eight. For more information, see Mixing Down Audio Tracks.
  By default, all monitored audio tracks are selected for scrubbing. To isolate specific audio tracks for scrubbing, see Soloing Audio Tracks in the Timeline.
  A gold Speaker icon on the Audio Track Monitor button indicates that the track is not dropped when the play speed increases during scrubbing. By default, the two topmost Audio Track Monitor buttons display the gold Speaker icon. For more information about setting an audio track to ensure it is not dropped during scrubbing, see Selecting Tracks for Scrubbing.
  The Audio Track Monitor button changes to green with a black Speaker icon when selected for soloing. For more information, see Monitoring a Solo Track.

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