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> Using the Track Selector Panel |
Using the Track Selector Panel
As your project progresses, you might need to add an edit with additional audio or video tracks. You use multiple tracks of video primarily for effects. The Avid system allows you to edit up to eight tracks of video and eight tracks of audio.
While working with multiple tracks, you can use the Track Selector panel to select, manipulate, delete, lock, patch, and monitor your tracks. You can use multiple tracks to layer audio effects and sound or to add video titles and other effects.
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Multiple video tracks do not immediately play back at the same time until
you apply an appropriate effect that composites the layers. Multiple audio
layers, however, do play back immediately if correctly monitored.
The source side of the panel displays only those tracks available for the clip currently loaded. For instance, a clip that has audio captured only for track A1 does not display an A2 track in the Track Selector panel.
The record side of the panel displays only those tracks currently in use for the sequence. However, if you edit source material with a track selected that does not yet exist on the record side, by default the track appears on the record side after the edit takes place.
See the following topics: