Setting Up Tracks for the New Sequence
When you create a new sequence using the New Sequence command, and no material is loaded into the Source pop-up monitor, the Timeline is empty.
To add a new track to a sequence loaded in the Composer monitor:
  Select Clip > New Audio Track or select Clip > New Video Track.
The new track appears in the Timeline.
When you add a new track to a sequence, the Avid system assigns a consecutive number to it. You can change the numbering scheme of tracks rather than use the consecutive numbering default.
You can add a Meta track for MetaSync editing. For information about MetaSync, see Main Topics: Using MetaSync with Avid Editing Systems.
To add a new track and to change the numbering system:
1.  Press and hold the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Macintosh), and select Clip > New Audio Track or select Clip > New Video Track.
The Add Track dialog box opens.
2.  If you want to switch from the type of new track you chose (for example, from a new video to a new audio track), click the Track Type pop-up menu, and select the other option.
3.  If you want to select a track number other than the default consecutive numbering offered by the dialog box, click the Track Number pop-up menu, and select another number. You cannot select the number of an existing track.
4.  Click OK.
The new track appears in the Timeline and in the Track Selector panel.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to