Setting Up Tracks for the New Sequence
When you create a new sequence using the New Sequence command, and no material is loaded into the Source pop-up monitor, the Timeline is empty.
To add a new track to a sequence loaded in the Composer monitor:
Select Clip > New Audio Track or select Clip > New Video Track.
The new track appears in the Timeline.
When you add a new track to a sequence, the Avid system assigns a consecutive number to it. You can change the numbering scheme of tracks rather than use the consecutive numbering default.
You can add a Meta track for MetaSync editing. For information about MetaSync, see
Main Topics: Using MetaSync with Avid Editing Systems.
To add a new track and to change the numbering system:
1. | |
Press and hold the Alt key (Windows) or the Option key (Macintosh),
and select Clip > New Audio Track or select Clip > New Video Track.
The Add Track dialog box opens.
2. | |
If you want to switch from the type of new track you chose (for
example, from a new video to a new audio track), click the Track Type
pop-up menu, and select the other option.
3. | |
If you want to select a track number other than the default consecutive
numbering offered by the dialog box, click the Track Number pop-up
menu, and select another number. You cannot select the number of an
existing track.
The new track appears in the Timeline and in the Track Selector panel.