Placing a Sequence into the Clipboard
Lift button
Extract button
Copy to Clipboard button

To place a marked section of the sequence into the Clipboard at any time:
  Click the Lift button or the Extract button located in the Timeline top toolbar, or the Copy to Clipboard button in the Edit tab of the Command palette.
  You can map these buttons to buttons on the Tool palette or to keys on the Keyboard palette. See Mapping User-Selectable Buttons.
The Copy to Clipboard function is useful for moving or repeating material in a sequence without moving multiple segments in Segment mode or for rebuilding the section at another location. For example, you can:
  Copy a portion of a sequence for pasting into another sequence.
  Isolate and copy a portion of an audio track for looping music or repeating a sound effect.
  Copy graphic elements for repeating at other locations in a format cut.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to