Using the
Locators Window
The Locators window allows you to quickly add comments, go to locator marks, delete locators, and print a list of locators in the currently loaded clip or sequence. Many features of the Locators window are similar to those of the Bin window.
You can use the Locators window to:
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Find information about each locator.
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Access the Locators Fast menu, which allows you to:
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Modify and sort the display.
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Display frames for easy visual reference.
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Change the color of the locator icons.
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Print the Locators window.
This is especially useful for identifying and listing specific frames to
be used in an effect, for example. You can also make a list of IN and
OUT points for adding music.
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Go to the locator in the sequence or clip.
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Delete a single locator or multiple locators.
The Locators window is divided into two sections:
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The top section displays information in text columns about the
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The bottom section allows you to type comments about the frame
marked by the selected locator.
See the following topics: