To load a clip or sequence into the Source pop-up monitor:
1. | |
Open a bin and locate the clip or sequence.
2. | |
Double-click the clip or sequence. Ctrl+click (Windows) or
Shift+click (Macintosh) to load multiple clips or sequences.
For each clip or sequence that you selected, a Source pop-up monitor
 | |
You can also load sequences by clicking the sequences and dragging them
from the bin to the monitor.
To load a sequence into the single Composer monitor:
1. | |
Open a bin and locate the sequence.
2. | |
Drag the sequence into the Composer monitor or the Timeline.
Ctrl+click (Windows) or Shift+click (Macintosh) to load multiple
 | |
When you start a new sequence, you must drag the first clip into the
Timeline; you cannot drag it into the Composer monitor.
To load a sequence into the dual Source/Record monitors:
1. | |
Open a bin and locate the sequence.
2. | |
Double-click the sequence icon.
The sequence loads into the Record monitor and the Timeline, clearing
the Timeline of the previous sequence and resetting the Undo list.