Displaying the
Timecode Window
Each Source pop-up monitor displays one line of timecode. The Timeline also displays one line of timecode. The Timecode window allows you to display one line of timecode in a separate window.
To set a timecode display:
1. | |
Select Tools > Timecode Window.
The Timecode window opens.
2. | |
Click anywhere in the Timecode window, and select an option.
The window displays the timecode you have chosen. The Timecode
pop-up menu contains the same options as the Tracking Information
menu. For a description of the Timecode options, see
Tracking Format
and Timecode Display Options.
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Some options only appear if you have Avid Xpress Pro and a matchback
project. For more information about matchback projects, see How
Matchback Works.
3. | |
Click the Close button to close the Timecode window.