Using Color Indicators
You can use color to indicate several pieces of information, including:
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Preferred takes or takes used in the current active sequence
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Picture versus audio track used in the current active sequence
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Line changes in dialog
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Use of multiple cameras
To apply color to takes:
1. | |
Select Script > Color > color.
2. | |
Select the region of the script that covers the range within the take or
takes that you want to highlight with color.
3. | |
Select one or more takes.
4. | |
Click the Set Color button in the Script window toolbar.
The color appears only in the highlighted script region of the selected
takes. You can switch the indicators on or off by clicking the button
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You must select the range of the script that you want to highlight with color
before you enable the color indicator function.
To remove one or more color indicators:
1. | |
Select the range of script containing the color indicators.
The first take in the selected region determines the color indicator
status displayed in the Set Color button.
2. | |
Select only those takes that display the indicators.
3. | |
Click the Set Color button.