Moving a Slate
You can adjust the position of slates to make room for more slates, to avoid blocking words, or to display takes over specific lines.
To move a slate, use one of the following methods:
To move a slate horizontally, click the slate and drag it to the left or the
right. (If necessary, resize the Script window by dragging the size box.)
To move a slate vertically without moving the position of the take lines
in the script, click the slate and drag it up or down. The take lines
remain fixed over the text to which they have been previously linked.
To move the slate and all its take lines vertically to a new location in
the script, press the Ctrl key (Windows) or the Command key
(Macintosh), and then drag the slate to the new location.
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As you move the slate, the takes continue to cover the same number of lines
in the script. To lengthen or shorten the number of lines covered in the
takes at the new location, see Adjusting Take Lines.