Sorting Clips
Sorting clips arranges them in either numerical or alphabetical order, based on the data in the column you select as the sorting criteria. You can sort clips in several different ways, including an ascending sort, a descending sort, and a multilevel sort.
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You can sort clips and sequences in Text view only. If you need to view
sorted clips in Frame view or Script view, sort them in Text view first and
then return to Frame view or Script view. In Frame view, to display the
clips in the order they were sorted in Text view, select Bin > Fill Sorted.
To sort clips in ascending order:
1. | |
Click the Text tab in the Bin window.
2. | |
Click the heading of the column that you want to use as the criterion.
The column is highlighted.
3. | |
Do one of the following:
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Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl+Shift+click (Macintosh) the
column heading, and select Sort Ascending.
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Select Bin > Sort.
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Press Ctrl + E (Windows) or Command+E (Macintosh).
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If the Sort command appears dimmed in the menu, you have not selected a
To reapply the last sort:
Select Bin > Sort Again with no column selected.
This step is especially useful after you have added new clips to a sorted