Selecting Media Relatives for an Object
When you identify the media relatives of a selected clip or sequence, the system highlights all other clips linked to the selected clip, such as subclips or other sequences.
Fast Menu button
To identify media relatives:
1.  Open the bin that contains the chosen clip or sequence.
2.  Open any other bins that might contain the media relatives that you want to find.
3.  Resize and position the bins so that you can see their contents.
Text view is best for viewing as many objects as possible.
4.  Click the chosen clip or sequence, and select Bin > Select Media Relatives.
The system highlights all related objects in all open bins.
  You can also use the Media tool to look at the captured video and audio data files stored on your media drives. See Using the Media Tool.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to