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> Recapturing Your Material |
Recapturing Your Material
Recapturing is the process of capturing previously captured source footage based on existing clips and sequences. Recapturing uses the batch capture process and does not require extra logging time because the clip information for items such as source tracks, timecodes, and Compression settings already exists in the bin.
There are several situations in which you might want to recapture:
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You can recapture a sequence after you transfer it to another system.
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You can quickly recapture selected clips if you make an error while
capturing the first time (for example, if you forget to check audio
levels or set the wrong resolution).
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You can recapture clips if you accidentally delete media files.
Recapturing requires your original source footage. Do not delete the
media files if the source footage is no longer available, unless you will
not need the material again.
See the following topics:
capturing capture