DV Scene Extraction
While capturing, DV Scene Extraction allows you to automatically generate subclips and locators based on time-of-day (TOD) information contained in the DV video format.
Discontinuities in the DV TOD metadata indicate each place in a master clip or subclip where a new take was initiated on a DV camera. Using this feature, you can capture an entire DV tape as a single master clip and have the system automatically locate all the takes for you, eliminating the need to manually log.
You can perform a DV Scene Extraction in two ways:
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Set up the DV Scene Extraction option before capturing. When
capturing is performed, subclips and locator marks appear in the bin.
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Perform DV Scene Extraction after capturing. Select those clips in the
bin for which you want to generate subclips and locator marks.
Consider the following:
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You can perform DV Scene Extraction on any existing clip or subclip
in a bin that has TOD information breaks.
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DVCPro format does not provide TOD metadata; you cannot use DV
Scene Extraction with DVCPro format.
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DV Scene Extraction will not work on audio-only clips.
See the following topics: