Selecting a Resolution in the Capture Tool
To set the capture resolution:
  Click the Resolution (Res) pop-up menu in the Capture tool, and select a video resolution.

Different options appear depending on whether you are working in an NTSC project or a PAL project. Select 1:1 for uncompressed media.
  You can set the resolution used for capturing in the Capture tool or in the Media Creation dialog box, accessed through the Settings scroll list of the Project window. See Setting Media Creation Resolutions and Selecting Drives.
  For more information on compression resolutions, see Compression Resolutions and Storage Requirements.
  Avid Xpress Pro supports recording and digital cuts of 44.1-kHz and 48- kHz audio only. It does not support recording and digital cuts of 32-kHz (12-bit) audio. If you are recording DV audio, set your camera or deck to record 16-bit audio (48 kHz).

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to