Determining the Pulldown Phase
To determine the pulldown phase:
1.  While viewing the video transfer on a monitor, go to the keypunched (or clapsticks) sync point for the beginning frame of the clip you're logging.
2.  Step (jog) past the sync point frame field-by-field, using the step wheel on the tape deck. You will see either two or three keypunched fields. If the footage is not keypunched, look for two or three fields with little or no motion.
3.  If there are two fields, the pulldown is either A or C. Step through the fields again, and note where the timecode changes:
  If the timecode does not change from the first to the second field, the fields came from an A frame.
  If the timecode changes from the first to the second field, the fields came from a C frame.
The following illustration shows a keypunch on the A frame. Notice where the timecode changes.

4.  If there are three keypunched fields, or fields without motion, the pulldown is either B or D. Step through the fields again and note where the timecode changes:
  If the timecode changes between fields 2 and 3, the fields came from a B frame.
  If the timecode changes between fields 1 and 2, the fields came from a D frame.
5.  Enter or edit the information in the Pullin column in the appropriate bin, as described in Modifying the Pulldown Phase Before Capturing.

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