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> Using the Avid Calculator |
Using the
Avid Calculator
The Avid Calculator helps you calculate video and film durations, and convert timecode and film key numbers to different formats. For example, you can:
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Convert timecode durations between 30-frames-per-second (fps) and
25-fps projects.
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Convert durations to total frame count.
To use the Avid Calculator:
1. | |
Select Tools > Calculator.
The Avid Calculator window opens.
2. | |
Click the Format pop-up menu, and select a format.
3. | |
Make calculations in the one of the following ways:
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Use the top row of numbers on the keyboard to enter numbers and
functions in the Avid Calculator.
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Press the Caps Lock key, and then enter numbers and functions
with the numeric keypad.
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Use the numbers on the Calculator.
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You do not need to enter leading zeros, colons, or semicolons for timecode.
To convert your totals at any time to another format:
Click the Format pop-up menu, and select a different frame code or
key number format.
calculate calculating