Saving Bins Manually
For added security, you can save a bin manually. You might want to do this immediately after performing an important edit. There are three ways to save bins manually.
To save a specific bin:
1. | |
Click the bin to activate it.
2. | |
Select File > Save Bin.
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The Save Bin command appears dimmed if there have been no changes
since the last time the active bin was saved.
To save selected bins:
2. | |
Click a Bin icon to select it. Ctrl+click (Windows) or Shift+click
(Macintosh) any additional bin icons.
3. | |
Select File > Save All.
The system saves all the selected bins.
To save all the bins:
1. | |
Click the Bins tab in the Project window.
2. | |
Select File > Save All.
The system saves all the bins for the project.
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The Save All command also saves all the user settings, and it also works
with the Composer window or the Timeline active.