Starting the Avid Application (Macintosh)
The Avid application is in the following location:
Macintosh HD/Applications/Avid Xpress Pro
Macintosh HD/Applications/Avid Xpress DV
For most users, the Dock is a more convenient location for starting the application.
The application does not start properly if the icon is moved out of the Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV folder. You can create an alias and drag it to the desktop or onto the Dock.
  For information on creating an alias or on using the Dock, see the Mac OS X documentation.
To start the Avid application, do one of the following:
  Double-click the application alias on the desktop.
  Double-click the application alias on the Dock.
  Select Go > Applications, and then double-click the application icon.
After a few moments, the Select Project dialog box opens.
  If you install your Avid editing application on a laptop computer, a dialog box might open with a message about the processor running at reduced speed. Avid recommends you disable reduced processor performance in the Energy Saver settings when working with Avid applications. Running at reduced speed might adversely affect performance of editing functions (for example, capture and digital cuts). For more information on disabling reduced processor performance, see the Macintosh documentation.
  You might also see a message about disks spinning down while idle. Deselect "Hard Disk Sleep" in the Energy Saver settings for best system performance.

launch start

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to