Editing Enhancements into the Timeline
You edit enhancements into the Timeline in much the same way that you edit other clips. For complete information on editing, see Editing in the Timeline.
To edit enhancements into the Timeline:
1.  Create a sequence.
2.  Create a Meta track by selecting Clip > New Meta Track.
The first track you create is labeled M1. You can create multiple tracks, which are labeled M2, M3, and so on.
3.  Double-click the enhancement in a bin to open it in a Source pop-up monitor.
What you see in the Source pop-up monitor depends on the type of enhancement (see Viewing Enhancements in a Source Pop-Up Monitor).
(Windows only) If you are editing an enhancement that uses Overlay mode, you should use the enhancement, rather than the matte key (see Editing with Overlay Mode (Windows Only)).
4.  Edit the enhancement into the Timeline in one of the following ways:
  As a clip: Mark IN and OUT points and drag the enhancement to the Meta track or click an edit button (Splice or Overwrite).
The default (maximum) duration of a clip is 4 hours. Dragging a clip without IN or OUT points creates a 4-hour clip in the Timeline. This length allows an enhancement to be active for a long-form production.
  As a locator: Place the position indicator in the Timeline, and Alt+double-click (Windows) or Option+double-click (Macintosh) the enhancement in the bin.
A locator appears in the Timeline. To view information about all locators in a sequence, open the Locators window by selecting Tools > Locators. For more information, see Using the Locators Window.
In the final broadcast, if the locator represents an HTML file (such as an ITV SMPTE-363M enhancement), the HTML file is shown until the next enhancement appears. If the locator represents an opaque enhancement (such as a command), the locator sends the command at the point where the locator is marked in the sequence.
An advantage to editing the enhancement as a locator is that you can edit a locator onto an enhancement clip without creating an additional Meta track.
5.  You can then edit the enhancement in the same way you edit other locators or clips (trimming, using edit marks, and so on).
See Also
Editing with Overlay Mode (Windows Only)

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