XML Information and the MetaSync Workflow
MetaSync uses XML information throughout the workflow to represent your project's enhancements:
1. | |
MetaSync Manager outputs XML information to a file with the file
name extension .aeo (enhancements file or AEO file). You can also
import an XML file from another application into MetaSync Manager.
This file must conform to MetaSync DTD files. For information on
how MetaSync works with other applications, visit the Avid Web site
at www.avid.com and search for the Avid MetaSync Partner Program.
2. | |
The Avid editing system imports the AEO file, reads (parses) the XML
information, and uses it to create Meta clips in a bin.
3. | |
After you have edited your sequence, the Avid editing application
exports information about the sequence in an AAF file. AAF
(Advanced Authoring Format) files use an industry-standard format. In
this case, the AAF file includes MetaSync enhancements.
4. | |
MetaSync Publisher imports the AAF file, extracts the MetaSync
enhancements, and creates an XML file. You import this XML file into
another application to create the final product. The XML file contains
all the information contained in the original AEO file as well as the
timing of the enhancements.
The following figure shows this process.