100 Leave AntiVir Guard and minimize control program.\nMinimize Control Program 300 00:00 777 Activate AntiVir Guard VxD.\n Activate AntiVir Guard 778 Deactivate AntiVir Guard VxD.\nDeactivate AntiVir Guard 40001 Change configuration of AntiVir Guard.\nChange Configuration 40002 Reset AntiVir Guardīs statistic data.\nClear Statistics Data 40003 AntiVir Guard 40004 AntiVir Mail Guard 40005 VxD-Status: 40006 File Action: 40007 Save the current AntiVir Guard configuration.\nSave Configuration of AntiVir Guard 40008 Device Mode: 40010 Scan Mode: 40011 Files To Scan: 40012 Display version and license information. 40501 Notify User: 40502 Last File: 40503 Last Detection: 40504 Detections: 40505 File Count: 40506 Repaired Files: 40507 Moved Files: 40508 Deleted Files: 40509 Wiped Files: 40510 Renamed Files: 40511 Not Loaded 40512 Active 40513 Deny Access 40514 Delete File 40515 Wipe File 40516 Move File 40517 Rename File 40518 Repair File 40519 Unknown 40520 Not Active 40521 Scan On File Open 40522 Scan On File Close 40523 Scan On File Open/Close 40524 All Files 40525 Program Files Only 40526 Yes 40527 No 40528 Unable to create AntiVir Guard configuration property sheet! Out of memory error. 40529 Unable to read AntiVir Guard configuration! The IOCTL call returned an error. 40530 Configuration AntiVir Guard 40531 Unable to set AntiVir Guard configuration! The IOCTL call returned an error. 40532 Unable to save configuration! 40533 Unable to read AntiVir Guard version information! The IOCTL call returned an error. 40534 Unable to send reset-command to AntiVir Guard service! The IOCTL call returned an error. 40535 Please select a directory 40590 Leave and close Control Program.\nClose Control Program 40601 Standard 40602 Extended 40610 Display Help.\nHelp 40611 Activate the AntiVir Guard VxD.\nActivate AntiVir Guard VxD 40612 Deactivate the AntiVir Guard VxD.\nDeactivate AntiVir Guard VxD 40613 This will start the AntiVir main Program.\nStart AntiVir main program 40614 This starts the Internet Update.\nStarts Internet Update 40615 Opens the dialogue to set a password.\nPassword protection 40616 Activate or deactivate the AntiVir Guard VxD.\nActivate or deactivate AntiVir Guard VxD 40620 Starts the Intranet Update.\nStarts Intranet Update 57345 AntiVir Guard Control is ready. 57666 Displays the help system index. 57668 How to use context sensitive help. 57670 Displays context sensitive help.\nDisplay Help 57671 About AntiVir Personal Edition - Guard ... 57672 The active AntiVir Guard VxD and the Control Program\nare incompatible or of the wrong version.\nPlease check your installation or reinstall AntiVir! 57673 WARNING: If you disable this option,\nAntiVir Guard will react automatically on any detection.\nYou'll no longer be informed about any infection! 57674 The passwords you've entered are not equal!\nPlease enter the same password in each field! 57675 Warnings: 57676 Error Count: 57677 Out of memory error.\nUnable to allocate configuration memory.\nAntiVir Guard Control Program cannot be started! 57678 The AntiVir Guard VxD could not be found.\nIt may be not installed!\nPlease re-install AntiVir Guard! 57679 Unable to open the AntiVir Guard VxD device.\nPlease check your AntiVir installation or reinstall AntiVir! 57680 The AntiVir Guard VxD has been loaded dynamically by the AntiVir Guard Control Program.\nIf you exit the Control Program, the resident VxD will be unloaded too\nand you will NO LONGER be protected!\nDo you really want to exit the Control Program? 57681 There's still a floppy disk in drive A:\nYou should remove it before shutting down your computer! 57682 If you disable "Local drives", AntiVir Guard will no longer protect\nfiles on your local drives. In order to deactivate AntiVir Guard completely,\nuncheck the menu item "Activate AntiVir Guard" under the "File" menu.\nAre you sure that you wish to disable this option? 57683 Unable to the program\n\n'%s'\n\nPlease check if the file does exist in this path. 57684 AntiVir Guard 57685 AntiVir Personal Edition - Guard 57686 AntiVir Guard 57687 The specified directory\n\n%s\n\ndoes not exist and cannot be created! 57688 Unable to create the specified file\n\n%s\n\nPlease check the path and volume name and if the directory is writeable! 57689 The AntiVir Guard Control Program is being unloaded.\nThe resident virus guard AntiVir Guard VxD works\ncompletely independant from the Control Program.\n\nDo you want to deactivate the resident Virus Guard, too? 57690 The AntiVir signature file (ANTIVIR.VDF) \nis more than %d days old. 57691 Please enter a valid path name into the directory name edit field! 57692 Status: 57693 Notify User: 57694 Email Action: 57695 Attachments: 57696 Email Count: 57697 Last Detection: 57698 Detections: 57699 Last scanned file 57700 No active AntiVir Mail Security Service\ncould be found on the computer %s. 57701 Failed to load Winsock library! 57702 Connection establishment to the AntiVir Mail Security Service failed. 57703 Unable to create AntiVir Mail Guard configuration property sheet! Out of memory error. 57704 Unable to read AntiVir Mail Guard configuration!\nAntiVir Mail Security Service returned an error. 57705 Unable to set AntiVir Mail Guard configuration! 57706 Please enter a valid path name into the working directory name edit field! 57707 Please enter a valid path name into the quarantine directory name edit field! 57708 Please select a quarantine directory: 57709 Please select a working directory: 57710 delete 57711 ignore 57712 isolate 57713 - 57714 AntiVir Mail Guard could not be assigned further memory.\nPossibly you have too little memory available.\nThe action is not continued! 57715 Configuration AntiVir Mail Guard 57716 Error (%08x) initialising Winsock32.DLL (Version 2.2).\nUnable to start AntiVir Guard Control Program! 57717 Control Program: 57718 Search Engine (AVE): 57719 Virus Definition File (VDF): 57720 AntiVir Mail Guard: 57721 %d.%02d.%02d.%02d 57722 %s 57723 %d.%d.%d.%d 57724 %d.%d.%d.%d, %02d-%02d-%04d 57725 - Active / AntiVir Mail Guard - Active 57726 - Active / AntiVir Mail Guard - Not Active 57727 - Not Active / AntiVir Mail Guard - Active 57728 - Not Active / AntiVir Mail Guard - Not Active 57729 - Not Active