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Soft Gems donations

Posted by Mike on 02.05. at 14:49

If you ever wanted to express your appreciation for Virtual Treeview then now your time has come. I have put a donation link on the Virtual Treeview page. Use this to donate any amount of money you can afford.

News groups woes

Posted by Mike on 18.03. at 21:09

As you might have realized the newsgroups did not work the past two days. I had to do a full reinstall of the new server to make it work again and used the opportunity to update to the newest version. This is expected to run safer so I'm in hope the newsgroups will now finally operate normally.

As a side effect all message had to be reimported, which means you must reread all messages with your clients. And not enough of that, you have afore to unsubscribe from all groups, reread the groups list and resubscribe to those groups you like. I'm very sorry for this inconvenience, but I'm innocent.

Delphi Gems news groups are back, now what comes...

Posted by Mike on 13.03. at 11:53

Finally I managed to get the newsgroups back and working correctly. Sorry for this delay and the inconvenience.

I'm also happy to announce two new parties on the news server. One is Jim Kueneman's Mustang Peak area. I think he will introduce everything to you so you get informed about his new pet.

The other one is Soft Gems, a new label I created for my work. As the name suggests (particularly when comparing it to Delphi Gems) it is about a generalization of my work. Delphi Gems is exclusively focused on Delphi while Soft Gems addresses a broader range, where Delphi Gems is and will still be a part of. What this means is that I will not only produce Delphi software anymore but extend my activities to other areas like Java. This has mainly to do with the fact that I, since nearly two years, do not program in Delphi anymore in my everyday job. Instead I had the opportunity to learn other languages and, what should I say, I like them. Not so much C++ but Java, particularly with the Eclipse framework (, which is open source from IBM, looks very interesting and promising.

Read more about my future intentions in the Delphi Gems news group

Update of Robert Marquardt's HID component

Posted by Mike on 11.03. at 21:06

Yesterday Robert sent me an update for his HID component. He writes: "Two new events have been implemented in TJvHidDeviceController. OnArrival and OnRemoval. They fire for individual devices being plugged or unplugged. OnRemoval is equivalent to OnUnplug, but happens in the TJvHidDeviceController instead of the TJvHidDevice. OnDeviceChange fires after all OnArrival or OnRemoval events. The ReadWriteDemo has been updated to show arrivals and removals. Fixed some values read with GetRegistryProperty* functions.
Property Security has been renamed SecuritySDS."

Get your free copy from the Controls page and give Robert also some feedback on his work, so he knows you like it or have useful ideas.

Soft Gems news groups not yet ready

Posted by Mike on 10.03. at 19:41

At the time being the newsgroups at are not yet ready for posting. The old articles are there already, but posting is not yet possible (for unknown reason, I'm investigating the problem currently). Please be patient until this problem is solved.

© 1999-2003 Mike Lischke (webmaster), Last modified: 02. May 2004.

Total downloads
542,270 downloads since 1. June 2002.
Top 10 downloads
1 84,482 Virtual Treeview main distribution
2 57,514 Windows XP Theme Manager
3 35,049 GraphicEx image library
4 28,267 Virtual Treeview (demo apps)
5 21,008 Windows XP Theme Explorer
6 19,299 Windows XP System Button
7 17,085 Virtual Treeview (source only)
8 16,511 Virtual Treeview plain HTML help
9 16,464 Unicode Font Viewer
10 16,138 Color Picker Button
Top 10 in May
1 850 Virtual Treeview main distribution
2 639 Windows XP Theme Manager
3 579 GraphicEx image library
4 385 Virtual Treeview (demo apps)
5 258 Windows XP System Button
6 254 Windows XP Theme Explorer
7 217 Virtual Treeview (source only)
8 208 Virtual Treeview and databases
9 199 Virtual Treeview (add ons)
10 199 Windows XP manifest resource
Top 5 today
1 59 GraphicEx image library
2 52 Virtual Treeview main distribution
3 43 Windows XP Theme Manager
4 25 Virtual Treeview (demo apps)
5 21 HID controller