Jans Delphi Components
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Delphi freeware programs.
TjanPico |
size:871kb TjanPico is a component that runs the Pico
script language. Use TjanPico to add light-weight semi-compiled
scripting to your delphi applications: include scripts, (local and
global) variables (plain and structured), (nested) function
definitions, function calls, classes (multiple inheritance), objects
(with methods and properties), program flow (if, else, case, while,
repeat), dozens of build-in functions (string, date, conversion,
testing, interface etc.), call external (Delphi) functions from
script and script functions from delphi. Comes with the GoPico demo
application for TjanPico, support components and libraries, detailed
help file and installer. TSynEdit is required to
compile the demo, but not included. Download it from sourceforge.
4.0 |
size:825kb EasyXML 4.0 is the demo application for
TjanXMLParser2 version 4.0, a native delphi XML/XSLT parser object
and for TjanXMLDataSet2 a TDataSet descendant that allows you to use
standard Delphi database controls with a XML document. FEATURES:
node selection using QXML that mimics the SQL WHERE clause; XSLT
transformations (templates, conditionals, sorting): generate HTML
reports from your XML data; a sample XML document containing the
complete Hamlett play Richard III is included: 179 page HTML
document is generated is less then 900 milliseconds; XEL (XML
Execution Language) scripting; XML-Database. Delphi source code
included. |
TjanSQL 1.1 |
size:379kb TjanSQL is a single user relational Database
engine implemented as a Delphi object using plain text files with
semi-colon separated data for data storage. Supported SQL: SELECT
(with table joins, field aliases and calculated), UPDATE, INSERT
(values and sub-select), DELETE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, ALTER
TABLE, CONNECT TO, COMMIT, WHERE (rich bracketed expression), IN
(list or sub query), GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY ( ASC, DESC), nested
sub queries, statistics (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN), operators
(+,-,*,/, and, or,>,>=,<,<=,=,<>,Like), functions
SQRT). High performance: complete in-memory handling of tables and
recordsets; semi-compiled expressions. Released under MOZILLA PUBLIC
LICENSE Version 1.1. NEW FEATURES: fixed memory leak, calculated
fields (in select and update statements), field aliases, table
aliases, join "unlimited" tables, stdDev aggregate function, ASSIGN
TO for named temporary tables, SAVE TABLE for persisting recordsets,
INSERT INTO, ISO 8601 dates, numerous extra
functions. |
TjanFileListBox |
size:2kb TjanFileListBox is a TFileListBox descendant
displaying file (association) icons. |
TjanSAL |
size:36kb TjanSAL is a general purpose script engine with
parser, compiler and runner for user defined stack bases script
languages. Comes with TjanSALCore, a sample language supporting
program flow (if else case repeat etc.), sub-routines etc. Any
object procedure or language module can be added to a language with
just one statement. Help file for TjanSAL and for the SALCore
language are included. |
TSynAnySyn |
size:35kb TSynAnySyn is a custom highlighter for the SynEdit component. It
allows end users of your program to define a highlighter for any
programming language. |
Gismo |
size:738kb The Gismo collection contains the janStrings
utility unit and 4 releated components: TjanScript a Forth style
language with XML and Database support; TjanXMLTree a DOM based XML
parser with filter methods; TjanWebServer a compact web server with
integrated janScript support; TjanPagedFile a TComponent descendant
that manages password protected and encrypted multi-user (max 255)
record-locked tagged-string text files with random read/write access
and variable record lenght between the specified page size (minimum
64 bytes) and 2Gb. Space of deleted records is re-used. Supports:
NEW (table), OPEN, CLOSE, APPEND, SELECT ( recordsets using
TjanScript), ORDER BY (multi-key), UPDATE, DELETE; detailed help
files and Demo-EXE included. |
TjanScript |
size:296kb TjanScript is Delphi native, Forth style,
script component that supports include files, variants, variables,
nested: procedures, if/else and repeat..until; external variables
and system calls through events; XML DOM support including pattern
based selection for server side page generation. The script is
precompiled before it is run. Suitable for use as: general and
server side scripting, expression evaluator, TDataSet onFilterRecord
evaluator etc. Extensive help file and EXE demo
included. |
TjanMarkupViewer |
size:7kb TjanMarkupViewer is a TCustomControl descendant
that renders its Text property in HTML style as a scrollable view.
Supported tags: Bold, Italic, Underline, Font (face, size and color)
and Break. |
TjanMarkupLabel |
size:6kb TjanMarkupLabel is a TGraphicControl descendant
that renders its Text property in HTML style. Supported tags: Bold,
Italic, Underline, Font (face, size and color) and
Break. |
TjanSticker |
size:3kb TjanSticker is a TGraphicControl descendant with
no-code end-user move/size, change color and text. Ideal for making
stickerboards. |
TjanWebLabel |
size:1kb TjanWebLabel is a TLabel descendant with
url/email property and handpoint cursor. Clicking the label will
launch the users default browser or email program to address the url
or email. |
TjanWebSafe |
size:8kb TjanWebSafe is a color selection dialog for
WebSafe colors. Special: 3 color selection for
matching. |
TjanEverGauge |
size:8kb TjanEverGauge is a indefinite time gauge like
seen in Netscape Navigator. Simple to use with start/stop
methods. |
TjanXMLTree |
size:8kb TjanXMLTree is a XML/XSL parser with DOM,
extended filtering and quick LoadFromFile/SaveToFile
methods. |
janFX |
size:19kb janFX is a library of 89 bitmap transformation
routines like: rotate; smooth resize; filters; make seamless;
buttonize; color, focus and light effects; fisheye and twist
distortions; alpha blending; plasma and many
more. |
2 |
size:4kb TjanTracker is a TCustomControl descendant.
Features: trackbar with tiled image background, custom track color
and size, custom thumb color and size, optional value display on
thumb, horizontal or vertical orientation, onChangedValue event.
Bugfix release. |
TjanArrayButton |
size:3kb TjanArrayButton provides an array of buttons. Set
columns, rows, colors, captions and hints. OnArrayButtonClicked
event provides column and row of the clicked
button. |
TjanSpeller |
size:611kb TjanSpeller is a spelling component that allows
spelling of any short or very long text string. Features: help file,
no dll's required, integrated spelling skip/change/add dialog, 30000
word english.dic and 280000 word dutch.dic, supports user
dicationaries, virtually no coding required, simple dictionary
format with very fast search. |
janButton |
size:153kb janButton is a set if 16 Geometrical TButton
descendant buttons: ellipse, triangles, pentagon, octagon,
ring-shaped etc. with font and surface color; an example of using
windows regions |
janSim |
size:94kb janSim is a set if 12 Simulation components
including TjanSimLogicBox for "no code" simulation of digital
electronics, and TjanSimPID and TjanSimScope for analog
instrumentation simulation. |
janDraw |
size:633kb janDraw is a set if drawing components:
TjanDrawImage is a TImage descendant. It comes with mating
components and a full featured demo painting application. Features:
100+ painting styles including art brushes, integrated 50+ Effects
viewer like Rotate, Plasma etc.; TjanPaintFX with 100+ bitmap
transformations; TjanColorList and TjanColorGrid with 100+ colors
and color name hints; TjanScrollBar with integrated position label.
Create a painting program with minimal coding. NEW: integrated
QuickBacks viewer/editor in TjanDrawImage with 90+ presets provided;
TjanColorDropDown, TjanDrawText with interactive free text rotation,
TjanColorTriangle, enhanced demo. |
janBasic |
size:56kb janBasic is a set of basic components:
TjanOutBar is a visual and functional Outlook 2000 tabbed buttonbar
replica and an example of both using TCollection and of creating a
completely owner drawn control; TjanCheckBox with custom size and
color; TjanRadioButton with custom size and color; TjanLabelEdit;
TjanTimeEdit; TjanButtonEdit; TjanCheckListButton; TjanEditListBox;
TjanColorButton; TjanRoundedButton; TjanRunButton; TjanPanelButton;
TjanTiledPanel; TjanBitmapButton. |
TjanRoundedButton |
size:3kb TjanRoundedButton is a TGraphicControl descendant
featuring: selectable rounded rectangle, elliptical or Octagonal
shape; hot caption; hot glyph; auto-glyphclipping;
auto-grayscaling. |
TjanReplace |
size:11kb TjanReplace is a smart find and replace
component that can be used with any text editor. Features: pattern
find and replace; up to 32 replacement parameters. Help file
includes sample code for use with
TmwCustomEdit. |
TjanPanelButton |
size:9kb With TjanPanelButton you associate a TPanel that
will be dropped down/hidden when clicking the button. The panel can
contain any control including TjanPanelButton instances. Closing the
panel will also close any panels associated with TjanPanelButtons on
subpanels. |
TjanEditListBox |
size:9kb TjanEditListBox is a TListBox descendant
featuring inplace editing, autosave, item add/delete/insert and
enhanced move. |
TjanLabelEdit |
size:2kb TjanLabelEdit is an Edit box with integral Label
and autosized text scrolling range. |
TjanButtonEdit |
size:2kb TjanButtonEdit is an Edit box with integral glyph
button. |
TjanRunButton |
size:8kb TjanRunButton is a TGraphicControl descendant.
Drop it on a form without code or properties to set and that is it.
The user can right-click the button to select a program and
left-click the button to launch that program. The program Icon is
displayed on the button and the Hint shows the program name. The
program name autopersists in the application ini
file. |
TjanTabBar |
size:15kb TjanTabBar is an Outlook style TabBar inspired
by TXAZoneControl from Lincoln Birnie. Features: Scrollable
collapseable Tabbed Sections that can be added, deleted and moved at
design time; Section tabs can have individual: font, alignment,
tabcolor, glyph, hottrackcolor and a tiled background
image. |
3 |
size:39kb TjanShape 3 is GraphicControl featuring: 75
shapes; 26 gradient fills; free position and rotation caption;
unlimited user defined shapes with the included TjanShapeController;
TjanShapeController with design time visual shape editor and runtime
modifying, organizing, connecting, printing and saving of shapes;
help files. |
TjanColorButton |
size:13kb TjanColorButton is a TGraphicControl descendant
featuring: normal, highlight and down color of button face and
caption; wordwrap; tiled background image;
latching. |
TjanGrid 4 |
size:47kb TjanGrid is a TStringGrid descendant featuring:
AutoCalc Spreadsheet, Named Cells, Cell Info Hints, R1C1 or A1 cell
reference, LoadFrom CSV/HTML, SaveTo CSV/HTML/XML,
insert/delete/append/autosize columns/rows;
cut/copy/paste/clear/fill range; alpha/number/date SORT row/columns;
wordwrap; source code included; help file; integral dialogs for :
print/preview/zoom/formule/query/cell names; filter/show/hide
rows/columns; color bands. |
TjanLanguage |
size:4kb TjanLanguage is a TComponent descendant that
allows you to give the users of your program the ability to change
all captions,text and hints of any component in the user interface
like menus, buttons, labels, listbox items etc. All this with only 2
lines of code! |
TjvTreeView |
size:12kb TjvTreeView is a TTreeView descendant featuring:
integrated node management, recursive node duplication, node
calculation with node variables, integrated Load/Save/Find dialogs,
custom KeyMappings. |
TjvBitmapButton |
size:2kb TjvBitmapButton is a TGraphicControl descendant
featuring: bitmap shaped button with properties: down, latch,
hottrack. Button takes the shape of the non-transparent area.
jvCSVBase |
size:9kb jvCSVBase is a collection of 5 components for
handling of CSV database files: TjvCSVBase, TjvCSVEdit,
TjvCSVComboBox, TjvCSVCheckBox and TjvCSVNavigator. Drop the
components on a form and you can: create, restructure, browse and
edit CSV database files without any programming. Help file
included. |
TjansDB3 |
size:43kb TjansDB3 is a Delphi component. to operate with
DBase III files without using the BDE. Only text fields are
supported. Features: CreateTable, AppendRecord, DeleteRecord,
FindRecord, PackRecords, ReNameField, ReSizeField,
InsertField,DeleteField. The component is optimized for use with a
stringgrid. This new version 2 includes 4 components: TjansDB3,
TjansDB3Images, TjansDB3Nav and TjansDB3.helper. With TjansDB3Helper
you can create a fully functional database program with just one
line of code! If you are interested the source
code. |
TjvIcon |
size:4kb TjvIcon is a TComponent descendant with public
methods: Create Icon from Bitmap, Save Icon with 16 colors, Save
Icon with 256 colors, Save Bitmap as 16 color Icon, Save Bitmap as
256 color Icon. |
TjvGridFiter |
size:3kb TjvGridFilter is a TComponent descendant that
will filter the rows of any TStringGrid or descendant. Just drop a
TjvGridFilter on your form and assign the Grid property and use the
Filter method to hide rows that do not match the
filter. |
TjvAirBrush |
size:4kb TjvAirBrush TjvAirBrush is a TComponent
descendant featuring: instant airbrush for any canvas, 5 brush
shapes, opacity from 1-100%. |
TjvTipsComboBox |
size:4kb TjvTipsComboBox is a TComboBox descendant
featuring: auto load/save tips, add/delete/modify/filter tips, tip
names. Add user tips/templates support to your application with
minimal coding. |
TjvGridPrinter |
size:12kb TjvGridPrinter is a preview/print dialog
component for printing a TStringGrid and descendants, featuring:
full scale or zoomed preview; user set print properties in dialog
box: margins, header text/size/margin, footer text/size,
page/time/date metatags, wordwrap, number alignment/formatting,
show/hide borders. Drop on a form, set the Grid property and call
the preview method. No further coding
required. |
TjvYearGrid |
size:9kb TjvYearGrid is a TDrawGrid descendant featuring:
YearPlanner view; auto load/save year files; integral context menu
for all functions; integral Infotext editor with load/save external
option; export/view all/filtered date Info to HTML; custom colors
for borders/date/highlights; onInfoChanging event and Info set/get
for smart InfoText processing; date Infotext hints; year
selection. |
TjvTurtle |
size:16kb TjvTurtle is a non-visible component that
accepts a PainterScript in the form of a string and draws on any
canvas that is assigned at run-time to its canvas property. A
helpfile on how to use the component and a complete description of
the PainterScript graphics language is included. PainterScript
includes TurtleGraphics and the use of calculations, variables,
procedures and looping. |