Legal Stuff


This software is freeware.

That means you may freely distribute this software as long as it is in its original and entire form as downloaded from

This was written using MS Java extensions known as WFC (windows foundation classes) yes its really all Java!

Sun Microsystems won their legal battle with Microsoft and so MSJava will cease to work on Windows machines (sometime 2005, check Microsoft website for more information).
This is why it's still free. As long as you don’t install any service packs Easimp3 will continue to run for ever, but this is not recommended given the many security
flaws present in Windows.

In the extremely unlikely event that some damage is caused to you or your computer I am not responsible for any damages incurred by you. 

Thanks to the developers of id3lib and in particular John Adcock for the original development of the id3 com object. The original CDDB code was written by Keith D. Smith.

Tom Deloford