is a 100% free utility for playing mp3s/CDs/videos and managing collections
of mp3s.
Features include, including automatic tagging from filename, CDDB support, playlist creator, xml database exporting, lyrics viewer, online lyrics finder, online cd cover finder, autotagging of songs with no tags (uses freedb), mp3 alarm clock, Mp3 DJ, fast and intelligent searching and sorting, bookmarks, duplicate finder, renaming of mp3s based on tag information, Mp3 Organiser which sorts your mp3s into a folder structure based on id3 data you choose, playlist creation and even creation of custom web pages and web sites from your mp3 music collection, great for touch screens (Jukebox) or televisions, some examples are viewable here website and webpage (created using Easimp3) The program uses a very intuitive drag and drop interface allowing the creation of playlists by simply dropping songs /artists /albums /genres or even searches onto the playlist.
Easimp3 scans your music folders and sorts the tracks by artist, genre,
album, mood + more. The Library display is highly customisable with built
in player mode and manager mode and an option to browse your mp3s by
folder just like Explorer.