Full Easimp3
guide coming soon
The program is very intuitive and is based on drag drop, so you can drag songs/folders/groups of songs from either the Library Tree or the Library FileList straight onto the playlist on the right-hand side, or you can double click on songs to play them, finally you can right click on songs/folders/groups of songs from either the Library Tree or the Library FileList and click Play or Enqueue.
To add mp3s to the library songs/folders can be dragged onto the library tree (left-hand side). You can also change/set properties of mp3s by dropping on the Library tree, e.g. if you drag an mp3 onto an artist in the Library tree it will set the artist of the mp3 accordingly.
Make sure you have scanned your music directory this will make the program a lot faster since it saves the id3 tag info in an mp3 library, which is faster to access than re-reading the mp3 tags.
When you set up a library try out the Watch Folders feature. Right click on any folder and select "Watch this folder", this means that any new mp3s placed in this folder will automatically be added to the library which is handy if you download songs often to a common folder. Alternatively you can turn on "auto add mp3s to library". In this mode you can simply browse to a folder (in Easimp3 browser) and any mp3s in that folder will be added to the library.
Album covers really make a difference when using this program especially when making a webpage; it adds that tangible aspect which can be lacking with mp3s, so try out Find CD Cover, when the cd cover appears right click on it and save it to a location, then to add it to the album in Easimp3, you can either drag it onto the album icon, the album display, i.e. the filelist panel while it is displaying the album, or select all the songs you want to apply the picture to and right click "Tagging -> Edit Tags". Then check the album cover box and click "Load Image", and find the downloaded CD cover. |