

Changes as of 16/05/04

v3.61 May 16 18:50
Minor Update
Improved Installer
Lyrics finder is back (using
There's now a choice to associate file types with Easimp3 and add Context menus to add/play or play mp3/video/playlist/cds
Context menus on folders and media "Add to Easimp3"
Added a preview song/video option (double click while holding down alt)
Added the option to limit Easimp3 to only one instance when opening media from explorer
CD Covers maker page doesnt pop up when library is being refreshed
Fixed playlist erroneous message when deleting playlist
Drop folders on Library view now adds them to the Library
Double-clicking a playlist in the library tree displays the playlist rather than playing it (hold shift down to play)
Improved the accuracy of "play tracks I play"  and "play tracks I don't play" from the Random Tracks menu
Changed the video display so it now leaves the Library Tree visible when playing making it easier to play many videos
Playlists support improved  (drop pls on playlist)
CD Player now works better always displaying the correct title and position in song
Fixed the "Goto Album" menu
Monitor folders now resets when you make a new Library
Fixed some icons being incorrect when clicked on
Fixed play counts being inconsistent when videos are in library
Changed installer to always replaces Easimp3 executable even if same version
Other minor improvements

v 3.6
Major Update
This version represents a major overhaul of Easimp3, most key sections have been redesigned.
This has lead to massive improvement in current features and overall reliability of Easimp3.
*NEW FEATURE* Quick Links allow quick and efficient navigation to parts of the Library
Considerably faster loading (removed Loading banner for minimum loading time)
Added a tools branch to make it possible to access all Easimp3 utils from the Library view and File list view
Added the ability to group CD Covers by Genre or Year, instead of simply alphabetically (big improvement)
Added a Web branch to allow easy access to the Library Web view
Added popups for more buttons (Play,Stop etc)
Added a number of new icons
Added a welcome page
Added "random selection from.." to the Random Tracks Button
Added a Duplicate Mp3s page to configure how Easimp3 should find duplicates
Added a genre entry to a track popup
Added a button in Options to reset "never ask again" responses
Improved Playlist, it now snaps time column to edge (only if two columns are present)
Improved Popups, they now don't popup over things that they shouldn't
Improved the Search Bar and the Quick Bar, now have a nicer border, more XP like.
Improved the Alarm clock, alarms now persist across sessions
Improved the File List, item menus now match Library Tree item menus.
Removed the redundant Drop Down Button
Removed the little used play button from the Quick Links buttons
Removed the WebPages branch (see Tools branch)
Improved the repeat and shuffle icons gfx
Improved memory usage when scanning files
Improved the Top Artists Menu, now is more consistent
Bookmarks column settings are now remembered
Splitters improved, now larger and highlight when mouse is over them
Volume Control works better with the keys: [ ]
Shuffle can now not repeat the same song
Massively improved Drop Down now supports All Media\ and Playlists\ and folder browsing is also improved
Updated the WebPage Maker, cleaner and easier to follow with better options (Reimplementated use nocover option)
Changed the column saving mechanism to allow the videos branch to have different sized columns
Library Web View is now integrated better with Easimp3
Web Page totally rewritten, easier to maintain and use
Holding down Shift now plays albums,artists (Groups) from the FileList
When not using the tracker bar the volume control still remains visible
Property editor now remembers whether sync id3v2 with id3v1 is enabled across sessions
Property editor correctly informs Easimp3 that a save is required after resetting play counts
Random Options page remembers the number of random tracks across sessions
Altered some of the icons in the Standard icons bar, removed Easimp3 DJ and Alarm Clock, now found in Tools branch
Property Editor now displays genre in the correct format (e.g. (24) = Soundtrack)
Song Details renamed media details (right click fixed)
Ignore "The " now also ignores "the " (i.e lowercase the's are checked)
Now possible to resize CD covers display freely (previously restricted when covers docked to bottom)
Easimp3 now remembers two widths, one for docked bottom, one for docked right
Easimp3 now expands the album cover to fill the details panel if docked to the bottom and its the only display
Brought back "auto add" feature
Fixed Cut (scissors button) it now works as expected
Fixed "Dock Right" menu
Fixed bug which affected playing a mp3 straight after a video
Fixed XML creation when record names contain many & characters
Fixed "10 Random Tracks" popup, now correctly reflects number of random tracks specified (Random Tracks Options)
Fixed bookmarks button, now always correctly identifies whether a node may be bookmarked or not.
Many other  improvements to UI

v 3.55 May 04 11:30
Important Update
*NEW FEATURE* The random tracks menu is now customizable allowing you to refine what tracks can be selected by Easimp3
*NEW FEATURE* Added Top 10 Artists and Last 10 Tracks options and ability to customise the top 10 list
*NEW FEATURE* Added Tip of the day feature
Added the ability to set years from the Tagging menu
A new shortcut key allows you to play a random playlist (based on random tracks menu settings) (CTRL+U)
Added the ability to remove media items from playlists stored under the playlist branch in the library view
Fixed deleting bug (some items would not always delete from the library)
Easimp3 does not try to play playlist separator when shuffling
CTRL + 6 now correctly rates an album artist or track "Excellent"
Reduced the number of threads that Easimp3 uses
Importing bookmarks now works from playlists
Improved CPU performance, Easimp3 is now more responsive and stable than ever
Improved the help pages considerably
More sensitive volume control
Significantly reduced flicker when tracks are played, result is a much more stable feel

Fixed a problem when loading large playlist, they now load much faster
Better External player support (also fixed disabled bug from version 3.51)
Significant drag drop improvements,
   New media files dropped on library are added and then immediately displayed in the library
  Fixed a bug where you couldn't double click to play a newly added mp3 to the library
  Dropping files on folders now allows files to be moved (as in explorer)
  Many other drag drop additions, including dropping media items on playlists now adds item to that playlist

Album covers improvements:
  Easimp3 can now remove an album cover from an mp3
  Album covers display properly for when examing mp3s from outside the current library
  Improved tagging menu, now contains Set Album Cover
  After setting an album cover the change shows straight away
  Capital lettered images can be now be added to an mp3 (e.g IMAGE.JPG now works)

v 3.51 April 26 10:30
Important Update
*NEW FEATURE* Powerful Mini player added (controls nearly everything in Easimp3)
*NEW FEATURE* Easimp3 can monitor multiple folders for new mp3s
*NEW FEATURE* Folder listings, Folder branch can now list only folders that contain mp3s (instead of folder browse)
Fix to quick bar, now easier to browse library
Tag from filename fixed
Back player button now goes back a song if in the first 5 secs of a song
Fixed monitor mp3s, now able to monitor many folders for new mp3s
Fixed some menu items
Skipping now works (keys < and >) correctly
Removed Artists from tray icon menu (too slow for large libraries)
Only one song is left selected when a new song is played
Clicking on CD Covers album now follows playlisting rule as defined by playlist (i.e clear and play, enqueue..)
Fixed on addition of more media multiple entries appearing in the library
Better more intuitive "multiple folder" scan for mp3s window
Other minor fixes

v 3.5 April 15 20:00

Minor Update
Removed auto tagger
Playlist now ensures track are visible when played or selected
Easimp3 wont override current Volume settings when focused
Video now docked to filelist
Speed and memory imporvements
Less flickering when clicking playlist
Fixed goto menus bug
Playlists now load when double clicked
Some other minor changes

v 3.46 December 1 16:11
Video tracker bars works correctly
Fixed bug which affects Easimp3 starting minimized and stops you restoring it by clicking on taskbar
Faster loading of artists/albums makes browsing filelist easier
Albums by artist appears when right click on song
Easimp3 doesnt look up cddb for non audio cds!
Fixed system tray current media context menu
Changed the rating system slightly, faster to rate using menus, also some rating values have changed
Added ability to reset play count for song
Added ability to reset all play counts
Changing the rating slider in the properties page works (& for multiple songs)

Other minor changes

v 3.45 November 28 11:11
Minor Update
Playlist now progresses when song finishes
Added time display for mp3s
Set position in song for mp3s fixed
Tray Icon now includes a menu which is the same as right clicking on the currently playing song
Unknown Bitrate is not displayed as 0 now
Fixed icon changing to incorrect icon for some media files
Other minor changes (menus)
Added a mention of an existing feature to readme (rate tracks shortcuts: Ctrl 1.. Ctrl 6)

v 3.45 Beta November 25 15:11

*NEW FEATURE* Better Internal Player

This version is a beta for the new internal player.
Easimp3 no longer relies on Windows Media Player (at last!) to play mp3s
The player is a free mp3 (only) player written by Moon Valley Software (
If you had problems with some mp3s not playing they should all play now, all of my mp3s (about 10) which
media player refused to play now play ok.
The new player is only mp3 and does not support the various other formats supported in Easimp3,
Media player is still used for these and so is still required, but hopefully I can find something to replace
the most common formats as well.

The player utilizes two files mp3.ocx and xaudio.dll and hence the install size is 100k larger

Please report bugs with the new player to
Fixes in 3.45
Fixed clicking on cd covers in drop down not working
Changed clicking on album in cd covers takes you to album (this proves cumbersome)

v 3.44 November 24 18:11
Important Update
Added track rating icons for worse than not great and better than very good (like album/artist)
Fixed ipod style drop down bug and other ipod style problems
Reduced CPU usage while playing mp3s (should be around 2-10%)
Fixed bug which stopped you entering custom player paths
Fixed a bug which sometimes crashed when loading artwork (3.43.1000 and 3.43.0000 suffer from this)
Tweaked auto rating feature
Removed load playlist from album artwork context menu
Improved rating library updating
Fixed a few other rating bugs, including rating playlist items now works correctly and update the library
Fixed popup "artists featured "
Fixed singles not changing icon
Added ticks in random list to tracks which are rated good or better
Fixed video sub categories, videos can be dropped on sub categories quicker and they can now be renamed properly
Fixed a bug with bookmarks which sometimes caused a bookmarked songs name to disappear in the filelist
Stopped the drop down appearing when back is clicked
Stopped the drop down only showing playlists when clicked in drop down
Added the ability to set whether or not to show videos in all media
Enqueue menu now correctly reads singular or plural i.e 1 song or 10 songs
Fixed unable to turn off cddb in options

v 3.43 November 21 17:00
Recommended Update
*New Feature* Easimp3 can shade artist/album icons to indicate their rating making it easy to find music you like
*New Feature* Optional "Auto Rating" will increase the rating of songs you play often
*New Feature* Playlist loader, playlists are now easier to load from the playlist itself
*New Feature* It is now possible to select ascending or descending sorting for groups/media
Fixed address bar not displaying correct title
Fixed opening options on create page and pressing ok crashes program
Fixed arrange groups showing tracknum when rating selected
Added an icon to quickly change the view type
Some other minor fixes

v 3.42 November 19 16:32
Minor Update
Fixed context menus bug from 3.41
Fixed Question mark icon context menu
Added the ability to sort webpage track lists by Track Num
Added the ability to use nocover.jpg in your webpages

v 3.41 November 17 15:02
Fixed the b4s bug when saving playlist, it now correctly saves as pls
Added the ability to drag and drop music/groups onto playlist within the playlist branch, which makes building multiple playlists much easier
Changed the question mark icon to now produce a list of 20 random tracks.
Added a Top 10 feature which keeps track of the most listened to music.
Added the ability to add/enqueue tracks to different playlists from the context menu

v 3.40 November 14 11:30
Found and fixed bug that was freezing/crashing Easimp3
Fixed the bug which caused Easimp3 to associate mp3s and not let them be un associated

v 3.36 November 3 11:30
Minor Update
Added default image for cd cover
Fixed tag from filename, suggestion box is now editable
Fixed goto menu, now appears
Added popup over playlist
Fixed errors in song change popup in win98

v 3.35 October 31 14:22
Minor Update
Fixed sorting by TrackNum and other sorting problems
Fixed saving settings problem
Added the ability to find maltagged mp3s using library properties
Fixed video categories
Improved drop down bar, now doesn’t interfere with typing
Improved IpodStyle, fixed some bugs
Added sort playlist by album+track num
Added a blank image for albums with no cd cover
Directory Browser now ensures its full on the screen when displayed
Other minor fixes

v 3.34 October 29 11:59
Minor Update
Fixed playlist maker.
Fixed Win98 compatibility problem in user32.dll

v 3.33 October 28 13:25
Minor Update
Added optional popup on song change
Added the ability to show gridlines in file list
Fixed xml & error (still some other characters arent parsed correctly)
Fixed readme in program menu
Fixed problem after showing cd covers filelist didn’t update
Fixed a minor few bugs

v 3.32 October 21 11:10
Minor Update
Few fixes
Added show grid lines in file view
Fixed xml ampersand & error

v 3.32 October 21 11:10
Important Update
Fixed major problem with Options page

v 3.31 October 20 11:10
Important Update
*NEW FEATURE* Added customizable path/name creation for Renamer
e.g %Artist% - %album% - [%track#%]-%Track%.mp3 can now be specified when renaming mp3s
*NEW FEATURE* Added the ability to always display groups/media by track#,size,duration,rating etc.
e.g keep all the best arists at the top of the list by arranging by rating
Fixed bug where track numbers were lost on save
Fixed id3 properties editor bug.
Display speed optimizations
Fixed when adding videos to library, they appear in artists, until restart
Fixed start minimized bug where some panels were sized incorrectly
When starting minimized Easimp3 does not flash up on screen for a second before being minimized

v 3.30 October 17 15:10
Minor Update
Fixed double clicking on folders
Fixed Icons not showing sometimes
Fixed songs being displayed with the wrong icon occasionally
Fixed Renamer Tool not loading when no media is selected
Fixed Title sometimes sticking on Loading CD
Fixed selecting cd player with no cd showing garbage
"Current Playlist" Context Menu now shows selected/playing song in bold

v 3.29 October 15 14:10
Important Update
Fixed a number of important/serious bugs
Stability much improved
Back button now correctly loads the previous page (columns as well)
Up button the same
Back and Up buttons are grayed now if they cant be pressed
Fixed problems with presets loading and not being able to resize panels??
Added the ability to rename mp3s filenames from the property page
Added presets to main context menu for quick access
Fixed bug with switching from grouped to ungrouped in all media
Win98 compatibility issues (fixed illegal operation when mp3 "double clicked in explorer")
Size of windows issues with 640 x 480 resolved
Tag From FileName bug with "filenames-with-only-2-parts" has been fixed and multiple selction/editing is also possible now
More graphical improvements
Fixed cd popup, now reads number of tracks,duration of cd
Fixed a major sizing/memory problem with column headers, also folders now remember columns
Files/Folders are capitalized correctly
Fixed address bar not showing correct path
Other smaller fixes

v 3.28 October 13 15:10
Recommended Update
*NEW FEATURE* Mp3 Backup Tool - allows easy backing up and synchronization of mp3s library
*NEW FEATURE* Easimp3 can optionally be set to the default mp3/cd/playlist player (i.e clicking in explorer loads mp3 in Easimp3)
Easimp3 will now only load in 1 process, i.e only 1 easimp3 can run at any time
Temporary playlist is now correctly saved as a b4s playlist and not a pls playlist
Graphical improvements (reduced flickering)
New easier rating shortcuts (can be done now with keys only)
CTRL + R is now shortcut for rating of song(s)
CTRL 1 rates selected song(s) poor
CTRL 2 ...
CTRL 6 rates selected song(s) excellent
Fixed bug, renaming of album/artist/genre in file list
Fixed tag writing sometimes failing unexpectedly
Loads playlists faster

v 3.27 October 10 11:20
Important Update
Fixed bug with cd player not starting up correctly
Fixed Add Folder To Search bug
Fixed playlists not displaying correctly
Other small fixes

v 3.26 October 9 13:30
Recommended Update
Fixed version number
Improved Address Bar (more like windows address bar)
Compact Disc will list CD contents if no audio cd player present
Folders now appear in the fileList as well as the library tree
Fixed error handling: now it will skip song if it cant fix it
Added the ability to search multiple drives/folders when creating library
Fixed default columns only including track name
By default Easimp3 will try to fix old tags (because its reliable)
A few small fixes

v 3.25 October 4 16:30
Minor Update
Fixed problem with displaying library web pages

v 3.24 September 30 12:30
Recommended Update (beta test)
Schemes can now be saved to a file
Auto tag year fixed
Auto tag improved
Improved copying now remembers last copy details
Mp3 Organizer buttons fixed, move up/down property
Mp3 DJ now displays columns in preview track/artist
Mp3 DJ can now play tracks in preview by double clicking
Mp3 DJ allows user to remove unwanted tracks from preview (press delete key)
Fixed Mp3 DJ : 2nd criteria: rating now works correctly
Added more types of "play random selection from"
Other improvements to MP3 DJ
Headers can now be reordered by dragging
Fixed bug with Mp3 organizer display colours.
Fixed tracker stopping sometimes.
Fixed various resizing issues (album cover not resizable)
Removed mini mode
Fixed issues with grip
Rewrote large part of program
Many other changes
Fixed some display problems (in particular grip)
Improved mp3 error handling
Other small bug fixes

v 3.22 September 11 2003 00:01
Added CD Cover branch allowing quick access to cd covers page.
Fixed Auto Tag, now tags song name properly
Branches Artist/Album remember individual column settings
Play count for mp3s is now remembered.
Albums/Artists etc can be rated
AddressBar improved
Fixed tag -> filename when only renaming 1 file sometimes didn’t display
Improved filename -> tag tool
Mp3DJ can now choose tracks based on ratings

v 3.21 September 9 2003 21:01
Recommended Update
Added ratings to Easimp3.
Fixed Backslash error in drop down

v 3.20 September 8 2003 17:01
Recommended Update
*NEW FEATURE* beta Auto tagging. Auto tag uses freedb database to quickly find mp3s missing Artist/Album/Genre info
*NEW FEATURE* Find CD Cover helps find the album cover for the current song
Allow dropping of image onto mp3 to add album cover..
Improved changing of cd covers, now drag images onto songs/albums/artists works much better.
Improved searching for Lyrics, better reliability now finds twice as many lyrics
Fixed video warnings when stopping
Allowed editing of "Tag From Filename" suggestions before applying to song
Grip doesn’t change colour on mouse over
Dropping image on nodes to set cd cover works properly
Fixed drop down box , easier to browse
Using the arrow keys in playlist updates current song/album cover display now.
Fixed a few minor bugs

*** Coming soon - support for different languages

v 3.11 September 4 2003 17:01
Recommended Update
*NEW FEATURE* beta Mp3 Organizer
Mp3 Organizer sorts your mp3s into an organised folder structure eg: Year/Artist/Album/Song
Some minor bug fixes
Fixed Status Bar right click to disable
Weblibrary : fixed font size and formatting, now matches library font
Weblibrary : updating web page works properly now (refreshes page)
Improvements in reliability/speed

v 3.10 September 3 2003 17:41
Recommended Update
Now remembers what Web Library page when closed, e.g if album covers wanted to show when first start (ala jukebox)
Status Bar now linked to Web Library status.
Some bugs fixed: GoBack and setUrl errors resolved
Fixed playlist repeating when repeat not on
Fixed saving of playlist column sizes when closed
Other fixes
Some WebLibrary html bugs fixed

v 3.09 September 2 2003 00:01
Minor Update
Icons improved for "non grey" windows panels
WebPages: Many improvements/fixes to the webpage library
WebPages: Added an album page to Full Library
WebPages: Default sizes changed from 300,300 -> 190,190
Some menus fixed
Play straight away when web page playlist clicked

v 3.08 September 1 2003 00:25
Recommended Update
Improved many menus
Fixed a few minor bugs
Fixed the "you have not created a website.. " error
Fixed/Added some improved icons
Changes to HTML generation
Added library integration with webpage maker, now songs "clicked" on website
will load in Easimp3
When website is showing clicking on artist in library will bring up appropriate webpage

v 3.07 August 29 2003 11:35
Added a WebPages branch
Ipod style messing up bookmark menus fixed
Address Bar rewritten, now much more powerful, can execute WebPages/folders/library items
Webpage maker fixed
Fixed icons not appearing correctly
Fixed icons that didnt appear nicely on dark backgrounds
Lots of improvements in stability/reliability

v 3.06 August 27 2003 3:21PM
Recommended update
*NEW FEATURE* (beta) Added sub categories in Videos allowing better sorting
The library view is now optional
Fixed issues with cddb sometimes getting incorrect data
Changed splash screen
Videos can be added by dropping on library
Fixed Videos can be removed from the library
Fixed alot of issues with videos in the library (play/delete)
Added warning if media player cant play video
Other Minor Fixes

v 3.05 August 25 2003 5:02PM
Recommended update
*NEW FEATURE* (beta) Added an address bar for quick access to songs and branches
Fixed "change filelist view" menu crashing
Other Minor Fixes

v 3.04 August 22 2003 11:55PM
Recommended update
*NEW FEATURE* Added a Video branch in the Library view which allows quick access to your videos
*NEW FEATURE* Added Option to display library using the Apple Ipod Style
Fixed (value) sorting by time/bitrate/quality/year, now correctly sorts songs when choosing to view by a value
Improved/simplified some menus
Videos are now saved in the Library file
Videos can now be bookmarked
Previous song button now works again

v 3.03 August 20 2003 6:21PM
Recommended update
*NEW FEATURE* AutoLyrics beta stage, instantly gets (and saves in mp3) lyrics (if available) from
Fixed the method used to size columns, much easier to use now.
A few other minor fixes

v 3.02 August 11 2003 5:04PM
Minor update
Added auto fix for corruptly tagged mp3s (fixes songs that media player cant play)
Fixed the close button sometimes disappearing
Movies now show durations in playlist
Fixed moving of folders tree not updating correctly
Fixed rightclick on folder->refresh now refreshes folder structure correctly.
Fixed some other minor errors

v 3.01 August 08 2003 1:55PM
Fixed TrackNo not stored in library
Added TrackNo column
Fixed album art size saving
Fixed tag from filename form size
Added better/updated schemes
Reintroduced watch folders
Some other minor fixes

v 3.0 August 3 2003 3:13PM
New player buttons
Nicer look overall
New easier to use search bar
New better icons
Player mode now resizable
Fixed mini mode restore issues from previous beta
Many other minor fixes and improvements

v 3.0b July 30 2003 4:13PM
Beta release
New improved media player controls
Volume control added
Minor Bookmark fixes (video now plays when selected from bookmark menu)
Compact player improved aesthetics and functionality
Added grouping under All Songs node (A,B,C,D etc..)
Improvements to stability

(produced by

Tom Deloford