A skin is a collection of graphics (e.g. buttons) and instructions used to change the look of Opera's user interface.
To choose a skin:
- Go to the "Customize Opera" section of the My Opera Community
- Click on a skin to download and apply
- Decide whether to keep the new skin or go back to your original skin
If you have downloaded several skins, you can always choose between them in the Skin section of the View menu,
or preview skins in Preferences, before you make your decision.
To make your own skin:
- Study the files in the default skin
- Create a similar collection of files and replace the graphics with your own
- Put your skin files in a zip file and apply it in Opera
- Share your Opera skin with others
You can also:
- Enable or disable special user-interface effects like button highlighting and button-text zooming
- Scale the size of buttons on the main bar
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