OperationHere's what the Harmonix
user interface looks like...

The display can be split in the preview area (left side) and the configuration area (right
Preview area
As you can imagine the preview area shows a preview of the final image.
You can zoom in or out of the image by using the [+] and [-] buttons respectively.
Configuration area
In itself, the configuration area can be split into multiple areas; the two top-most
sliders are known as the frequency controls.
The 20 sliders in the box beneath the frequency controls are the harmonics
The slider at the bottom is called the wave control and all the buttons are the
system controls.
Frequency controls
The frequency controls set the base frequency on which all harmonics will be based.
The frequency is measured in the number of full waves that will fit onto one
screen. With the "fine%" slider you can add in part one whole extra wave to the
total amount visible.
Harmonics controls
These controls appear in pairs of two where the leftmost of each pair controls the
amplitude and the right one controls the phase (= horizontal offset) of each harmonic
The leftmost pair controls the first (or base) harmonic whilst the rightmost
controls the tenth harmonic.
Each offset is scaled to the width of a wave of that harmonic frequency which means
that shifting two of the offsets an equal amount will not shift the frequencies in an
aligned manner.
Color controls
The two controls at the bottom left of the Configuration area let you specify the color of
the wave.
Click on the color box to pop-up a standard Windows dialog which allows you to
select a color or click the [F] button to use the current foreground color of your
graphics application.
Wave control
This control simply sets the width of the line that represents the wave. This is also the
only setting that is not automatically scaled to the image dimensions thus the preview
will not give an adequate representation of this effect unless the zoom mode is set to
System controls
These buttons control the most basic of operations.
The [O] button allows you to open any previously saves settings.
The [S] button will allow you to save the current settings for later usage.
As to what [Exit] and [OK!] will do... well... you'll just have to find out for yourselves