About Camouflage

CowskinCamouflage is a plug-in for PhotoShop™ compatible plug-in hosts. It will work with applications such as Adobe PhotoShop™, JASC Paint Shop Pro™, Corel PhotoPaint™, ULead PhotoImpact™ and MicroGrafx Picture Publisher™ amongst others (for a complete list, read the installation instructions).

Camouflaged textThe Camouflage plug-in can be used for creating any type of camouflage seen in real life including but not limited to realistic army patterns and animal patterns such as a cows' skin texture. There is a large lists of presets available including many color sets based on actual WW2 or modern camouflage patterns used on army vehicles, some popular camouflage patterns for clothing and a threesome of animal patterns.

Seamless texturesYou have full control over the effect in the form of scale, blur and falloff which can be applied to up to 8 fully configurable colors so you're not just limited to these realistic patterns but you can make anything you want, ranging from very wild color blends to outer-space colors to anything you can imagine.

This plug-in is also ideal for creating textures for 3D (in-game-) artwork; the textures generated are automatically scaled to the image size so you can easily create mipmaps and all textures wrap perfectly seamless so you won't have to do any post-processing.

You can contact us for technical support or other questions/remarks.
On the internet: http://www.v-d-l.com
Using E-Mail: camouflage@v-d-l.com
By snail mail: VanDerLee, Meentweg 36, 1405 JB, Bussum, The Netherlands.

Copyright ⌐ 2001 Martijn W. van der Lee/VanDerLee.