Restore process consists of the following steps:
Select file to restore from
Choose backup file to restore from. For you convenience, the file containing your last backup will be suggested by default. (screenshot)
Choose identities to restore
If either your backup or Outlook Express has more than one identity you will be prompted to choose which identities from backup you want to restore and into which existing identities to place the data. Note: you have to create all the identities manually in Outlook Express before performing restore operation. (screenshot)
Choose what to restore
At this step you should decide which items from which identities to restore. By default, all items in your backup will be restored. However you can choose to do a partial restore. (screenshot)
If you currently have Outlook Express running you will be prompted to close it. The task can not be performed if Outlook Express is running, so you will not be able to proceed unless Outlook Express is closed. (screenshot)
Ready to restore
Everything is ready for the restore to be performed. Review the information you have entered carefully and click Next to proceed with restore. Last chance to click Back and change something before the task commences. Important: any changes made since the last backup to those items you are going to restore now will be lost. (screenshot)
Restore progress
Now the task is in progress: no further input from you is necessary. You can switch to other applications and let the wizard do its work in the background. You will be notified when the restore process is finished. Or just sit back and watch the progress bar move. The wizard provides you with the estimation of time remaining till completion. (screenshot)
Restore process complete
The restore process is complete. Now, for your convenience, the wizard can launch Outlook Express if you choose so. (screenshot)