Version 0.19.2
Rainlendar is a very customizable
calendar that resides on your desktop and shows the days of the current
month. The calendar can use different skins to fit your taste (and theme).
You can use different fonts and colors, select the background
image or even make the calendar's background transparent. All the customization
can be done with a simple GUI. The calendar can also synchronize the events with a server, which will allow you to use it e.g. at home and at work. There are plenty of other features too. Check the rest of this document for details.
Installing for Explorer If you are in doubt, just get the installer version of Rainlendar from my web page ( and run it. If you dislike installers, you can also get the zipped archive and uncompress it to some folder. Rainlendar is ready to be used after that. Rainlendar is installed for the current user by default. If you want to install it for different users, just run the installer for each of them. Installing for Litestep Rainlendar works also as Litestep's plugin. To install in Litestep grap the zip archive and just copy the Rainlendar.dll and the skin & language folders to your Litestep directory (e.g. C:\Litestep\). You don't need the Rainlendar.exe if you are using Rainlendar as Litestep plugin. After copying, open your step.rc and add following line: LoadModule C:\Litestep\Rainlendar.dll ... and recycle. If that doesn't work, check the config part of this document for additional step.rc commands that you might need. You can also put the Rainlendar in other folder if you like, just make sure that the LoadModule path points to the correct place (as well as other Rainlendar specific step.rc commands). Uninstalling If you installed Rainlendar with the installer you can uninstall it from the "Add or Remove Programs". Otherwise just delete all the files you uncompressed from the zip-file (make sure that Rainlendar isn't running when doing that). |
General Settings
The basic configuration of the calendar is done from a GUI which you open from the popup-menu. The settings are saved in a Rainlendar.ini-file when you press the OK-button. The configuration dialog only has the general, layout, hotkeys and server settings. The skin settings can be found from the "Edit Current Skin..."-menuitem. General Event Outlook settings Start hidden Start weekdays from Monday Disable hotkeys Use window name Poll wallpaper changes Snap to screen edges Use native Windows transparency Refresh when screen resolution changes Week containing Jan 1st is the first week of the year Use separator in tooltips Show tray icon Layout Position The OnBottom makes the window to stay behind other windows when it's activated with mouse. Normal is a normal Z-positioning of the window and OnTop makes the calendar to stay on top of other windows. The OnDesktop setting is similar to OnBottom except that it makes a child window of the desktop. The benefit from this is that the calendar will be visible event if Explorer's "Show Desktop" command is issued. There are also few negative side-effects from using this (e.g. you cannot use it with native transparancy, the keyboard shortcuts do not work and the calendar disappears from time to time especially when new skin is selected). The OnDesktop only works with Explorer shell. Todo list Other settings The "Hide on mouse over" hides the calendar when the mouse is over the window. The calendar will reappear once the mouse is moved off the window. You can disable this feature temporarily by holding shift, alt or control button down while moving the mouse. "Remember dialog positions" will save the place (and size) where a dialog was closed last time and open it in the same location in the next time. With "Make negative coordinates relative to bottom right corner" enabled you can position the calendar e.g. to the bottom right corner and keep it there event if you change the screen resolutions. Note that if you have enabled "Movable window" the negative coordinates are converted to positive when the window is moved. Layout Hotkeys This page enables to add hotkeys to various actions. The hotkeys are global so it's not necessary to have Rainlendar activated when pressing the keys. It's adviced not to use too simple hotkeys (like Shift + A) since that would execute the hotkey every time you write capital A letter. Server Enable server synconization Ok, now that I've scared away most of the potential users, I can give some details about this feature. Address Port ID Update Request events on startup Sync event before editing Sync Now It is also possible that the server locks up sometimes (especially if you click the Sync Now-button repeatedly). The server will in that state just inform that it's busy and cannot serve you at the moment. If that happens you should just wait a while as the server should reset itself in couple of minutes automatically (if it doesn't, restart it manually and write a comprehensive bug-report :-). Skinning Settings The skin files can be edited from the GUI or poking directly to the ini-files. Check Skinning.txt for more info. Step.rc These are Litestep specific settings that are placed in the step.rc file. Remember to put the paths inside quotes if you have spaces in them! RainlendarPath RainlendarEventsPath RainlendarSkinsPath RainlendarLanguagesPath RainlendarCurrentSkin RainlendarCurrentSkinIni
The Rainlendar
can be controlled also with Litestep !Bang-commands. You can also
give the !bangs as command line arguments for Rainlendar.exe (note that this does not work if Rainlendar is OnDesktop).
!RainlendarShow [Activate] !RainlendarHide !RainlendarToggle !RainlendarConfig !RainlendarEditSkin !RainlendarRefresh !RainlendarQuit !RainlendarShowNext !RainlendarShowPrev !RainlendarShowMonth [Month] [Year] !RainlendarShowCurrent !RainlendarLsBoxHook !RainlendarMove [X] [Y] !RainlendarZPos [ZPOS] !RainlendarEditTodo !RainlendarShowTodo !RainlendarHideTodo !RainlendarToggleTodo !RainlendarAddEvent [Date] [Message] !RainlendarShowEvents |
This program is
free software. It is released under GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Please note that this software is still in beta-state and is most likely to have defects and may not work as it should. Use it at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that this software may cause. This product includes software developed by Lee Patterson ( |
The latest
version will be found from my homepage at:
You may also send comments and bug-reports to author ( But before you do, check the Rainlendar's section in the Forum. It might already contain answers to your questions. Please put the name of the product (i.e. Rainlendar) in the subject-field of the mail. It may be useful if you write the version of the product also. If you are reporting a bug, please try to be as exact as possible when describing the symptoms. Also write down the details of your system (like OS version, Litestep build, and so on). It might also be helpful if you include the log-file that Rainlendar creates when sending bug-reports. On standalone version you can activate the log-file by creating an empty file called Rainlendar.log into the same forder where Rainlendar.dll is. If Rainlendar is ran as Litestep's plugin the log is written with into the Litestep's logfile (just activate it in your step.rc). |
20 MAR 2004 (Version 0.19.2 ß)
28 JAN 2004 (Version 0.19.1 ß)
25 JAN 2004 (Version 0.19 ß)
4 OCT 2003 (Version 0.18 ß)
23 AUG 2003 (Version 0.17.1 ß)
9 AUG 2003 (Version 0.17 ß)
15 JUN 2003 (Version 0.16 ß)
3 FEB 2003 (Version 0.15 ß)
23 NOV 2002 (Version 0.14 ß)
24 AUG 2002 (Version 0.13 ß)
10 AUG 2002 (Version 0.12 ß)
11 JUN 2002 (Version 0.11 ß)
3 JUN 2002 (Version 0.10 ß)
2 MAR 2002 (Version 0.9 ß)
15 JAN 2002 (Version 0.8 ß)
26 DEC 2001 (Version 0.7 ß)
3 DEC 2000 (Version 0.6 ß)
2 OCT 2000 (Version 0.5 ß)
4 JULY 2000 (Version 0.4 ß)
13 MAY 2000 (Version 0.3 ß)
6 APRIL 2000 (Version 0.2 ß)
26 MARCH 2000 (Version 0.1 ß)