View Menu
Standard Buttons: shows or hides standard buttons.
Address Bar: shows or hides the address bar.
Search Bar: shows or hides the search bar.
Links Bar: shows or hides the links bar.
Windows Tabs: shows or hides the window tabs bar.
Status Bar: shows or hides the status bar.
Lock the Toolbars: A check mark next to Lock the Toolbars indicates that the toolbars cannot be moved. To unlock the toolbars, click Lock the Toolbars again to clear the check mark.
Customize Buttons: adds or removes buttons on the toolbars.
Search: shows or hides the search band.
Favorites: shows or hides the favorites band.
History: shows or hides the history band.
Blocked URLs: shows or hides the URLs of blocked ADs and Popups.
Text Size: specifies the relative size of the text displayed in the browser window.
Encoding Language: specifies the character set to use for the active browser window.
Source: displays the source (HTML) for the active browser window.
Full Screen: maximizes the main window to full screen.
Full Desktop: maximizes the main window to full desktop.