SubRip/MicroDVD substitles
Sub Station Alpha scripts conversion utility
Latest program version:
Contents |
General info |
SUBtoSSA has many advanced options like setting auto-sizing mode where you can have automatic size adjustment for different fonts (to fit on screen), it can find longest text line from subtitle file for selected font styles so you can easily check will font fit on screen with your style settings, it support style savings for later useage in different material (with several predefined styles for different viewing modes I made), advanced options where you can change font settings for particular segment and part of text, saving complete work into project file for later modifications and more ...
Useage and features are optimized to make rather standardized subtitles and SSA scripts for useage in VirtualDub subtitler plugin so, some SSA features that are not relevant for subtitling and which are not supported by VirtualDub SSA plugin are not included and some features that are not SSA standard but supported by VirtualDub Subtitler are added.
This version support SubRip SRT native time-based subtitle format and MicroDVD frame-based subtitle format. If you have subtitles in any other format (SubViewer, SAMI etc.), use some of conversion tools to convert them to one of supported formats (I recommend SRT SubRip because it is more precise especially if source is already in time-based format).
Program is pretty much self-explanatory and have "hint help" but let's
explain what it can do:
File options |
For selecting output file, click "Select" button and enter filename or select one.
Note that conversion will not start until you hit "Convert
to .SSA".
SubRip SRT subtitle format is time based subtitle format which means that appearance and dissapearance of subtitle is represented with exact time. This example shows SRT file structure:
01:04:27,000 --> 01:04:31,000
Dajete kupcu ono to trai.
01:04:32,000 --> 01:04:36,000
Potaknite malo tu potrebu
da biste stimulirali trite
01:04:36,000 --> 01:04:39,000
...i uskoro kupci ovise o vama.
Doista vas trebaju.
Index of segment (starts from 1).......................
Time (show --> dissapear).............................. Text line 1....................................................... Text line 2....................................................... |
01:04:32,000 --> 01:04:36,000 Potaknite malo tu potrebu da biste stimulirali trite |
MicroDVD subtitle format is frame-based subtitle file format where appearance and dissapearance of subtitles are represented with video frames. This means that text will be displayed when required moment of video (video frame) shows up and dissapear when other defined frame come. Example:
{899}{943}BRZI I
{1075}{1119}Premjesti ga
{1425}{1516}Upravo je natovarena
roba.|Stie u tvom pravcu.
{1525}{1627}Moj èovjek
je pored kamiona,|ne zaboravite na moj dio dogovora.
Here is what each line represents:
Show | Dissapear | Text line 1 | Text line 2 |
{1075} {1425} {1525} {3777} |
{1119} {1516} {1627} {3820} |
Premjesti ga ovdje. Upravo je natovarena roba.|Stie u tvom pravcu. Moj èovjek je pored kamiona,|ne zaboravite na moj dio dogovora. Hej!|Pazite! |
In this format, both lines are in the same row but diversed with sign |. Frames are within { }.
Because SSA requires time-based structure, by loading MicroDVD titles you need to set video framerate so SUBtoSSA will convert frames into appropriate timestamps.
If you have appropriate AVI in the same folder where subtitle file is (AVI which subtitle you load and which have the same name as subtitle except with extension SUB - note that this is common way of AVI and SUB distribution because players automatically get subtitles if they filename are the same as AVI filename), you don't need to setup anything because SUBtoSSA will find it and get framerate from it automatically - you just need to confirm values you get !
Also, it is possible to select AVI (which subtitle you load) manually and SUBtoSSA will get framerate from it.
Finally, you can setup that value by yourself (if you know it).
Be aware that incorrect framerate value can cause wrong time values
so title will not be displayed when it should be and can show up
later or before actually spoken text !
For example, you have AVI with 25.000 fps
with subtitle made for that framerate and you choose 23.976 instead 25.000
- and subtitles will be displayed with delays of 2-3 seconds.
So, I recommend to use framerate from appropriate AVI.
Both formats can have 3 lines of text (so called "3-liners").
VirtualDub subtitler supports more than 2 lines
in SSA - but SUBtoSSA does not support it !
SUBtoSSA works only with 2 lines per subtitle
! If some subtitle segment contains 3 lines of text, second and third line
will be "connected" to one. Do not use subtitles with more than 3 lines
of text because they will be incorrectly interpreted in this version of
Leading and trailing blanks will be removed from text upon loading from both formats because VirtualDub SSA plugin will ingore them anyway. But, you can still keep blanks by selecting "Do not trim blanks in SRT files" (in "Options").
Subtitle files might have different extensions than SRT and SUB (like
.TXT etc. ...) - basically, common extension is SUB for all formats (SubRip
format commonly have SUB extension too) but you can open any of them as
long as files contains subtitles in SubRip or MicroDVD format (SUBtoSSA
will auto-detect source format).
Select and manage styles |
Here you can font name, size, encoding, style, color, perform auto sizing etc.
Then you can select:
ANSI_CHARSET | 0 | ANSI characters |
DEFAULT_CHARSET | 1 | Font is chosen based solely on Name and Size. If the described font is not available on the system, Windows will substitute another font |
SYMBOL_CHARSET | 2 | Standard symbol set |
MAC_CHARSET | 77 | Macintosh characters |
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET | 128 | Japanese shift-jis characters |
HANGEUL_CHARSET | 129 | Korean characters (Wansung) |
JOHAB_CHARSET | 130 | Korean characters (Johab) |
GB2312_CHARSET | 134 | Simplified Chinese characters (mainland china) |
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET | 136 | Traditional Chinese characters (taiwanese) |
GREEK_CHARSET | 161 | Greek characters |
TURKISH_CHARSET | 162 | Turkish characters |
VIETNAMESE_CHARSET | 163 | Vietnamese characters |
HEBREW_CHARSET | 177 | Hebrew characters |
ARABIC_CHARSET | 178 | Arabic characters |
BALTIC_CHARSET | 186 | Baltic characters |
RUSSIAN_CHARSET | 204 | Cyrillic characters |
THAI_CHARSET | 222 | Thai characters |
EASTEUROPE_CHARSET | 238 | Includes diacritical marks for eastern european countries |
OEM_CHARSET | 255 | Depends on the codepage of the operating system |
This option is a "helping hand" while selecting fonts and sizes. It is very usefull if you setup entire font style (you selected font, size, color ...) and you want to try different font. By turning this option ON, when select new font, size will be automaticaly recalculated so new font will fit automatically and occupy the same space as old font: when you check this option, SUBtoSSA will remember current font size (will be written within option name: "Auto adjust: NN" where NN will be size on which recalculation is based). Then, after you change font properties (style, name ...) it will set new size based on remembered value so subtitle text in new font will ocuppy approx. the same space on screen as it was occupied in old font (note that, in this mode, size you select in font selection dialog will be ignored).
This example will explain clearly how it works:
You set "Arial Narrow" font with size 40 and subtitle nicely fit in movie:
Now you want to use new font - "Arial". If you do not use "Auto adjust size" and leave size 40 from "Arial Narrow" settings, text will now occupy more space on screen and, maybe even "bleed" on borders or wrap if not fit on longer lines - because "Arial" in 40 pixels is bigger than "Arial Narrow" in 40 pixels. Here's how subtitle looks in "Arial", size 40:
So, you need to change size manually and experiment to have it fit to screen - or you can use "Auto adjust size" before selecting "Arial" and SUBtoSSA will automaticaly change size from 40 to new value which will force text in "Arial" to occupy the same space as "Arial Narrow" in 40 (in this example, adjusted size was 31):
This still can't assure that all lines of text will fit to screen because
subtitle contains lot of text with different length. So, you can use Find
longest line to find longest line of text in subtitle file.
Note that you select only primary color (subtitle text color in witch the subtitles appears normally) here !
Setting up other colors that SSA use; secondary color (in which the subtitles will appear if the primary color is the same as the background image at a specific moment), tertiary color (in witch the subtitles will appear only if the primary and secondary colors interfere with the background image) and back color are not supported in this release.
So, secondary and tertiary colors will be set to primary color value by default and back color will be black (suitable for standard subtitle look).
All font settings and colors (except font size) you set can be seen
in simple preview panel on preview text that contains 2 lines with text
and some additional special characters.
2. Distance and alignment of subtitle
Subtite can be placed on top or bottom part of screen, horizontally centered or aligned left or right. Here you define how much pixels you want to have between text and left, right and bottom parts of screen and desired alignment. Recommended values are defaults:
This means that margin for displaying text on screen will be 1 pixel
left and right and 16 pixels from bottom border of screen. Text will be
centered at bottom of screen (standard subtitle position):
Left: 1 |
...i uskoro kupci ovise o vama.
Right: 1 |
Bottom: 16 |
Margin values are fixed pixel sizes or relative if you use "Use playback resolution to resize fonts"
Note that, by setting this values too high, text might wrap automatically
if it can't fit within set boundaries. I recommend to leave left/right
values on defaults and change bottom distance if you need to have subtitle
lower or higher.
3. Playback resolution and font size
Note: this option might cause wrong results in final size if it is used together with "Auto adjust size". In that case, final subtitle font size might be too big/small. So it is recommended not to use it if you resize fonts using "Auto adjust size".
Commonly, every font size you select represents fixed pixel value which
will be used to display text. Things works that way if
"Use playback resolution to resize fonts" option is off. If you turn
it on, font sizes will be treated differently - in this case, font size
you choose will be relative to resolution defined in PlayResY command.
Basically, font size you selected will be scaled by SSA filter in VirtualDub so text will be finally resized according to value entered in PlayResY. For all information about this, please refer to README.TXT file that comes with "Subtitler - Sub Station Alpha v2.x/4.x subtitling plugin for VirtualDub", Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Avery Lee, All Rights Reserved.
Using this option it is possible to achieve proprotional font resizing
in final video. Do not confuse this with "Auto adjust
size" - it is not the same thing ! "Auto adjust size" will try to change
size and fit new font in previously defined size and this option will proportionally
resize font based on playing resolution - also, once again, useage of both
options are not recommended.
SUBtoSSA comes with several several predefined styles (including deafult
one) that are made for adding subtitles in different video formats:
Source video is 4:3
Source video is 1.85:1 (16:9) Source video is 2.35:1 |
Source video is 4:3
Source video is 1.85:1 (16:9) Source video is 2.35:1 |
You can modify or delete any predefined style, add new one or mark one to open automatically on start:
Override style settings |
Simply, here you can do two basic things:
1. Overriding rows with predefined style settings
You can override currently active style settings for selected row/set of rows with some already created and saved style (from "Select and manage styles"). This is usefull way because then you can change style properties in "Select an manage style" and after saving changes, they will be automatically applied on all rows that are overrided with that style.
- select row or rows which active style want to to override with some
predefined style.
- choose style you want to set from "Select style for overrides" list
(you can choose "<Active style>" to remove overrides with predefined
styles or select some style from list to override active)
- hit "Apply to selection" to override.
2. Overriding rows with manual style settings
Using manual overriding mode, you can set font and style properties
in "Manual style overrides/current settings".
Procedure is simmilar to "Overriding with predefined styles" but you must
select "<Manual settings>" in "Select style for overrides"
to achieve this and set desired font, alignment and other properties in
style overrides/current settings".
3. Set overriding bold/italic attributes for some part of line
Upon all things, you can even set some part of line to bold or italic
and override all previously overrided settings.
Generally, upon start, you have active style (the one loaded in "Select and manage styles") valid for entire subtitle file. You can override it with predefined styles. If you manually change font settings, you will override overridings with styles for lines where you made manual settings. And, finally, if you use bold/italic to enhance pat of text withint text line, those attributes will override all overridings - check some simple example - it is presented in "Edit text line" section of this manual.
Here are some details about options and its useage :
1. Subtitle list - text lines and styles
Here you can see entire subtitle file in a SubRip SRT form of list. Each subtitle segment contains 2 lines of subtitle text (differently colored for easy navigation). Columns contain:
With right-click you can activate popup menu with basic options
that will be explained later.
2. Manual style overrides/current settings
Here you can manually select font name, encoding, size, style,color,alignment which will be used in selected rows. As you navigate through list, these values will represent current style settings of currently selected row (acts like preview of currently active/overrided style from selected line). Little preview box contains text from currently selected row (or active if there is more that one line selected) in selected style (overriding or active - depends what was done on selected line),
Here is what you can override in main style settings. Overridings will affect entire selected line or entire set of selected lines:
All overridings will be processed on selected row or set of rows after using "Apply to selection" or "Apply all" buttons:
Commonly, when setting font properties, you can't be sure that subtitle will fit on screen because it contains text of different length and some text might be too long for your settings and it will possibly "bleed" from screen edges or SSA plugin will wrap it into more than 2 lines which is bad and might be very annoying to watch (and it is not common thing).
So, if you are not sure will subtitle fit on screen with style settings you made, you can use this option to find longest line in subtitle file and check will it fit - because, if it (the longest line) fits, other lines will fit too ...
SUBtoSSA will not just count number of letters in each line to find which is longest but it will find longest line based on each line's current font settings (more accurate for final result). As a result you will get complete segment with longest line: you will get index, time when lines will show and dissapear and all lines of text for that segment where longest will be marked red.
Here you can:
Using Find text/index you can search for a specific text or part
of text forward, backward through subtitles and also, can jump to desired
segment using index value.
6. Edit text line (with bold/italic overridings)
If you want to change something in text or maybe to put some part of text in bold or italic style, you can do it using Edit text line option (also can be activated by doubleclick on selected row). You will get small window where you can select and edit text and add/remove bold/italic attributes and even manually add SSA tags directly in text. Also here you will see how your settings will be written in SSA script (using SSA tags for bold/italic attributes).
Note that useage of '{' and '\' characters in text are allowed and will be automatically converted to '\{' and '\\' according to VirtualDub subtitler specifications.
All bold/italic changes made on parts of text here, overrides already overrided (or active) style for that pat of text defined for selected row - example:
Active stlye is: Font "Arial", Style: bold and nonitalic:
We have text in active style - bold, not italic: | Testing, testing, 123 ! |
After overriding of selected line (with nonbold and italic changes), using font overrides, entire line will be: | Testing, testing, 123 ! |
Now, apply bold to selected part of text ('123') in "Edit text line" - note that we override all style settings for that part of text only: | Testing, testing, 123 ! |
Using this option, it is possible to change timestamp of current subtitle
segment. For example, if you want some subtitle longer on screen or maybe
to shpw up later/before - here you can adjust both times: when it will
show and when it will dissapear.
Using Copy style and Paste style it is possible to copy manual style overrides (all values that can be set in "Style overrides/current settings" will be copied) from one and paste to another row. Just select row from which you want to copy style and hit Copy style button then select target row and hit Paste style.
Alignment settings will be pasted only if you paste into main line.
Note that copied values does not go into Windows Clipboard so you can
use it for other purposes.
If you want to test exact part of subtitle in VirtualDub (to preview
how it will look), you can copy time to Windows Clipboard with this option.
SUBtoSSA will copy time when subtitle from selected row need to be shown
("From" or "Show" time - see "File options (supported
input and output formats)" for details). Now, you can easily paste
into "Go to" option in VirtualDub (in "Edit" submenu select "Go to", select
"Jump to frame at time:" and paste time related field).
Projects |
Project files can be loaded using "Open" button (see "File
options (supported input and output formats)" for details).
You can use project files from older versions of SUBtoSSA but project files saved with this version cannot be loaded in previous versions of SUBtoSSA.
Conversion |
Before conversion, and if you used overriding with predefined styles,
SUBtoSSA will check does all styles you used still exists - this is important
because you could use some styles that no longer exists because you deleted
them in "Select and manage styles" for some
reason. In that case, SUBtoSSA will use active style for all styles that
does not exists in its configuration files.
Options |
Tips and tricks |
Always use "Find longest line" to be sure that longest subtitle text will fit correctly with your settings - it is better to know that before several hours of encoding when you can finaly realize that subtitles "bleeds" of the screen.
You can easily modify resulting SSA scripts in Notepad or any other
text file editor but every new conversion will overwrite manual changes.
Version history |
Version | Date | Description |
2.0 | 02.04.2002 | - Added support for MicroDVD
frame-based subtitle files with nice way of getting framerate (automatically
or manually from corresponding AVI or manually by entering value)
- Now it is possible to override active style with predefined styles and manual settings - Possibility to change "show" and "dissapear" times - "Save new" renamed to "Save to ..." (sounds better :) ) - Fixed "Load on start" - now it will not be checked "randomly" - When loading projects, active style settings will be restored too - Fixed loading of 3-liners (subtitle files with 3 lines) - now it will join second and third line into one - "Find" function added (can find text, part of text or segment index) - Splash screen added - Updated help |
1.0 | 20.03.2002 | - First release |
About |
Version 2.0
(C)2002 Copyright m&g Software, by Arminio
Program is freeware but copyrighted.
Every effort has been made to ensure that no problems occur with its
usage but the author makes no warranties about it and accepts no
responsibility for any data loss or other system trouble that may
occur from its useage.
Please report any ideas, remarks, bugs etc.
Thanks for using SUBtoSSA !
Arminio Grgic,
Arminio Grgic@Yahoo.com